Friday, October 14, 2005

HAHAHAHA......Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson.....what a fumbling's guys like that that deserve to be taken out into the town center and publicly flogged...ohh ohh, if that happens...I wanna be there to watch!

-dan out-

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The FOO!

Well, the Foo Fighters / Weezer concert ruled! Gotta say, two of my favorite bands...which is odd since I haven't really listened to any music besides classical in a long time. Perhaps some non-classical music shall grace my cd-player with its presence sometime here.

I have poker tonite. Lets hope that I can finaggle some chips away from Jarod and Matt....that always makes for a sweet poker night. I somehow managed to win one last time, but, hey, who's to say I can't do it again baby!

Parent teacher conferences start tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting through those. I am a little apprehensive as to how those will all go...ya never know what the parents are like of a small town kid. Most of the parents I have met have been super we'll see.

I've been playing X-Men Legends lately and some good old fashioned World of Warcraft. Lets just say that X-Men is really frustrating me. I can't figure out how to get past this one part and I am about ready to break the stupid game in half and say I "beat" it.

Today in class went well enough. Gave out a detention, but it's a good thing because that usually settles everyone down when they realize that I am actually going to give them out instead of just "threatening" them with one. These new savory computers they just got all of us here are pretty sweet. Lets just say it's nice having a computer that doesn't blue screen at random times or just simply lock up on me mid-task. The LCD monitor is a plus as well.

Well, it's been 8 years now that Andrea and I have been together. Last night was the "anniversary" of when we first starting dating. Good times were had, good times. We went to the 8th grade football game last night and watched them smoke all over a rival that was a great time. Our teams tend to lose alot in the football area, so seeing the 8th graders whoop up on anybody is exciting. Mmmmm, Jr. High football....haha.

Well, I gotta go work on some stuff and get ready for my parent/teacher conferences.

Until next time....

-Dan out-