Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another Week

Well, this past weekend, Andrea and I drove up to McHenry, IL to see her brother and their family.  We hung out, ran to IKEA for a while, and snagged some Olive Garden for dinner….which is ALWAYS a good time.  Andrea and I found this couch we want…and it’s not to expensive either.  But at this point, pretty much anything is better than our current couch.

Last night we drove to pick up my parents at the airport…they were coming home from Florida where my mom’s parents are spending the winter.  Sure wish I could run down to Florida for a week, but that is OK…I’ll manage.  

The weather sure does suck now…I was getting used to all this warmer weather, 40’s, 50’s…etc, but now, what is this…23!  You’d think it was February or something.

On our way up to McHenry this weekend, we stopped by DeKalb for some dinner, and I ran into Graham Cracker Comics….which by the way, is a rawkin comic book store!  There is just something about seeing mounds and mounds or organized comics to make my heart flutter like a school girl.  I have been looking for a replacement comic book store around the Q.C., but so far all I’ve found was this run down store, with comics just thrown in any hap-hazard way and three old guys watching football in the corner of the store.  It’s dark, it’s dreary and lets face it, NOT a good comic book store.  So, after that debacle, I found BCBComics.com which is a pretty sweet site.  They even pull your comics for you each month and mail them to you without any input needed by you.  I just set that up for a couple comics that I follow.  Now if I can only find Ultimate Spider-Man 80 and 81…I’ll be in business.

Besides all of that, Andrea’s birthday is this Thursday.  I think we’re gonna get some steaks and just kinda hang out.  Her parents are doing something for her on Friday night, so we’ll probably go over there and hang out.  Turkey dinner I think :)

Well, work is about to start, so I guess I’ll take off.  If you haven’t picked up Battlefield 2 Modern Combat and you own an Xbox…uh, what are you waiting for?

-Dan out-