Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Lot has Changed

currently playing: Neverwinter Nights 2, Battlefield 2152, Fable, World of Warcraft

Well, alot has happened since I last updated this thing...first and foremost, my daughter Maya has gotten pretty big and she now can roll over! Pretty good was the craziest thing. She was laying on her stomach on the table, and started rolling over to her side. We stood there going, "c'mon...roll over here", etc, and then, poof....she just did it. Pretty exciting! I know, some of you are like, uh...who cares...but when you have a kid, you'll realize, it is a exciting and big deal. She is almost five months old now and enjoys smiling, gargling, blowing bubbles and occasionally laughing. It's a lot of fun.

In other news, Andrea, Maya and I all got our Christmas tree last two weekends ago and put that beast up. That was a crazy time, but it's up now and all decorated. It looks pretty good.

Well, school is keeping us both pretty busy, but, it's alright, because I'd rather be busy than bored!

In other news, the PS3 and the Wii launched a few weeks ago. Very exciting times to be interested in video games of any kind. The only thing is, the PS3 is frippin' expensive, and the Wii, well, lets just say I'll be waiting until I try one out first before dropping the incredibly reasonable $250 on one. Gotta watch out for the ol' Wii Elbow dumb!

Anyways, I've gotta go watch some Survivor. Hopefully I can keep this thing updated on a more regular basis than oh...every 4-5 months!

-Dan out-