Thursday, July 19, 2007


Currently Playing:
Lord of the Rings Online -
Battlefield 2 -
Zelda: Twilight Princess -

Currently Reading:
Blood of the Fold -
Terry Goodkind
Wolves of Calla -
Stephen King
It has come to my attention that this blog needs some updating, and since I'm sitting here letting my computer grind on some movies, I figured, hey, why not update this beast! It's been crazy busy this summer so far.

First thing we did upon getting off of school for the summer, was hop in a car and drive to Disney World. I'll throw some pictures up on here later on. It was a blast, and since I'd never been before, I took close to 600 pictures. I won't bore you with all 600, although those of you who know me, are well aware that if you so desire, all 600 can be made available to you....and I can explain each of the 600....and why I chose that specific angle or layout...haha. Disney World really is not as over-rated as I thought it would be. As a matter of fact, Disney World is as awesome and perfect as they make it appear. I'd say absolutely NO false advertisement that I saw. All of the employees seem genuinely EXCITED to see you and are hopping at the opportunity to help you out. The rooms are pretty nice and I would imagine if you spend the mega bucks, the rooms are even better. It was an amazing time and I can't wait to go back.

Here are a few photos from Disney World. I'll have a brief description under each one. Enjoy.....cause lets face it, looking at pictures of other people's vacations ROCKS!!!!

The Castle....who doesn't love this place?

MGM Studios was probably my 2nd favorite place.

Epcot was also pretty cool, and that ball thingy is HUGE!

Here Andrea and I are riding across the lake to
Magic Kingdom on a ferry they have running all day.

Gotta love Walt....!

The whole family at Animal Kingdom...and yes, we had matching shirts made....screw you for judging us!

Maya's first DUMBO experience....gotta love flying elephants.

Maya chillin with Cinderella...although I'm pretty sure she is just trying to figure out why she's wearing those long gloves when it is 98 degrees out in the shade!

And......Maya with Ariel....although I think she's freaked out by this lady...haha.

It was also Star Wars Weekends the first day we got there
and storm troopers had taken over some parts of MGM.

Of course I had to go see the AT-AT walker in MGM as well.
Man, Star Wars rules!

Animal Kingdom was VERY cool in that we took this
Safari ride, and got to see TONS of animals just walking around
Lots of great photo opportunities.

We also just plain CRASHED every night when we
got back. I knew this picture was being taken, so
decided to put a slight smile on my face....thus making
me look AWESOME...ER.....SHWAM...I love inventing
my own words.

After Disney World, we drove over to Daytona and
hung out on the beach for a day. Just happened
to see a rainbow when we were there and got to have
a great shot taken.

The ocean is...well, pretty at night, there is no other
manly way to say it. Oceans rule!

Well, that's about it. Like I said, I have a TON more pictures, but I don't want to crop and upload 600 photos....and who would seriously look at them all. Either way, Disney World rules and if you haven't gone....uh, start saving.

-Dan out-