Sunday, September 23, 2007

Almost October

Man, this year seems to be goin by quickly. It is already a week away from October....well, 8 days anyway. Our bathroom project of justice that seems to NEVER end, is well, still going on. I got the plumbing all done though, and the tub is being used for my daughter's baths.....since at 14 months, she's a bit big for the little table-top tub. Maybe this bathroom will be finished by Halloween...oh, that'd be nice. We'll see.

In other news, I am working on this huge mural for the Hennepin Canal's 100th year anniversary. My Art 1 class, Juniors and Seniors, are painting most of it, and it's coming along just fine. They need it by October 7th I we have about a week left to complete it. Here's hoping we get it all done! Well, it will get done whether I do it all or we finish it in class.

Homecoming week is next week, which sometimes = chaos. Hopefully the classes won't be to crazy and pull to many pranks that will then get everyone into trouble. It's happened before though, and I'm sure it will happen again.

We went out to this Nature Preserve on Friday, and did all kinds of different things with the Jr. High School. I taught a lesson on recycled paper worked somewhat, and all of the other Jr. High teachers did other various lessons with the students outside. We had hotdogs for lunch, played some capture the flag, went on a very quick nature hike and then finished the day off with a scavenger hunt. All in all....a pretty fun time. I'm looking forward to the next time we do this.

FINALLY, we got rid of our stupid Sprint Phone service, and switched over to Verizon. They have a teacher discount available, so we lucked out and got a pretty decent plan for pretty cheap. We snagged two Motorola Razr V3m phones and so far, I am quite pleased with them. Already looked up how to unlock the full features of the phone. I don't think it should be legal for Verizon to turn of parts of the phone you now own. I mean, it's your phone should be completely ready for you to use in every way that the phone was meant to be used. This will be rectified here soon on my phone at least. Being able to grab the pictures off of my phone will certainly be nice.

Still playing Lord of the Rings Online.....and having a good ol' time. My character is getting up there level wise. Good times....good times.

and with that...I'm done!
