Friday, May 19, 2006

Photoshop User Magazine

Well, I am subscribing to the Photoshop User Magazine again....but the rawkin' thing now is that the School is paying for it, and not myself. This is nice because it's like $99 a year for the magazine. I paid that one year and really enjoyed the magazine, but couldn't justify renewing it due to financial interests. :)

Anyway, I get to start a photoshop course in the spring semester of next year, so I figured, well, I'll use this magazine and examples and ideas from it and incorporate them into my course...and I get to read this magazine again, which is awesome!

The reason I bring this up, is because I was looking around on their website again, and noticed that they have this new feature since I stopped subscribing to the magazine, where they record some professional photoshop gurus explaining tips and news and other wacky things. I watched the first one and was very pleased with how the tutorial they showed me worked out. Here is the before picture and the after picture. Unsharp Mask is a pretty slick feature.



-Dan out-

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Wii!!!! Er...WHEEE,, WEEWEE....whatever, either way, The Nintendo Revolution has died, and Wii has been born. Long live the REVOLUTION because I think that name just rolled off my tongue so much better than discussing my, wee, or Wii as you will. Don't believe the news...check it out over at Nintendo.

In other news, we've semi-moved in to our house now. I have a few new pics of the inside to throw up here, and I will do that here shortly. This week has been crazy so far, track meets, mowing lawn for 2 hrs (because it was a foot high) and other random AWESOME events. This weekend, Sectionals take place over in Kewanee all day Saturday, and then Sunday....GOLF!!!! Doug and I are going golfing...first time out this year, and man, I'm ready. Hit some balls for a while, and then go fumble through 9 holes baby! Matt may be coming as well which should be fun. Regardless, good times are being had. Penny-Arcade had a really great comic about the new name...hahaha, check it will have to go back a few comics, but man, it was funny. I'd link to it, but who knows who reads this so, check out Penny-Arcade. Funny stuff...

-Dan out-