Tuesday, May 24, 2005

All done...and going onward...

Graduation is over, job has been obtained, packing will commence.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

2 more DAYS!!!

Well, 2 more days and then I'm all through. Can't wait...I've been counting it down and it is almost here! Here's hoping that I make it through, haha!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Elementary My Dear Watson!

Currently Reading:

The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Well well well.....5 days ladies and gentlemen...5 more days of being an non-graduate! Come Friday night...I"m gonna be ONE HAPPY DUDE!

This weekend, we went back to the QC and looked for apartments, hung out with some friends and ate some good food on Mother's Day. The apartments that we looked at were in Geneseo...and the first one, was actually a house for rent, but it was like a serious dump, and frankly, I could not see myself coming home to that everyday. The floors were all slanted, the whole place was small and dirty...it just was not a cool place to look at much less think about living in. So, we left that snagged some Dairy Queen, and went on home. The next morning, we went and checked out two different apartments. The first one was uh...sorta dirty and depressing...and we will be declining if they offer it to us. The next one, I was crossing my fingers about, and it turned out to be really nice. It's right next to Maple Leaf Car Dealership in Geneseo, and is a 2 bedroom apt. Nice and bright colored, clean, newly painted, nice looking carpet...AND even though we're sure it isn't a Pet apartment, there was a cat up in the upper apartment window. Soooo, we're hoping they won't care at all when we bring in the girls.

On Saturday night, we went over to Kate and Andy's place and hung out for dinner and stuff. Andy and I messed around with his X-Box and it's modchip that wasn't working properly. Finally we got it all running so it would read the dvd-r's, and loaded up some Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. This game is so sweet. The coop multiplayer rules. You can go through the missions with a friend which adds just a little more fun to an already awesome game! Then all of us sat down and ate some food off the grill, marinated chicken, and then played some rousing games of UNO! Good times were had.

Mother's day was fun. We ate some food and hung out over at Gail and Dale's till around 11:30am, then we ran over to my parent's house until 3:30pm. Hung out with the parent's and Nathaniel, took Nate's new car out for a spin, and luckily I still remebered how to drive manual :)

We are now back up here for this week, then graduation on Saturday, then I drive home on Sunday so I can go and observe my new job in Annawan for three days. Hopefully that all goes well!

Besides all of that,just been hanging out. Played a little guildwars tonight, and it's fun.....not as fun as WOW I don't think, but fun none the less.

Until next time...

-Dan out-

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Laptops are cool!

Well, I borrowed a laptop from school again. It's an i-book, i know.....lame...haha, but, it's still fun. I prefer a PC by far....I am just more familiar with it I believe, and have all my programs on PC so if I ever switched over to a MAC I'd have to start over from sctratch with all my software. I'm not in a big hurry to do that. I tried to play Doom3 again today, but yep, same as ever, crash to desktop! Gotta love my computer of crashiness!

In other news, I only have 6 school days left till the graduation of justice and I'm excited! I'm only bummed about two things in regards to that. One, I won' be able to take a nice shiny LAPTOP home to surf on the web on while sitting on the couch of justice. Two, I won't be able listen to my new audiobook that I just started, Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy, while I'm driving the 2 hrs every day. Now, I am glad I don't have to drive that 2 hrs though as well. Driving is not my forte'. So I raise a glass to graduating baby!

Currently watching Survivor and it is getting pretty good, kinda like it always does when we get down to like six people left on the island. HAHAHA, so good...the person who I wanted out just got voted out, and now his girlfriend he met on the show is all like, "oh no....my baby got voted out....waaaahhhhh". So good!

Well, i'm gonna go do something else, maybe play some Guild Wars or something. Take it easy foo's!

-Dan out-

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Orange Gatorade!!!!!


Sherlock Holmes Complete Works

Orange Gatorade is the best drink ever. Everytime I get me an orange gatorade, everything seems right in the world...haha.

Besides that, Jarod broke his controller while we were playing Halo2 yesterday...and he has the original controllers too, the football sized ones. He's pretty used to that size though, and he most likely will not be able to find one that is that size again...since they don't make them anymore. So he went out and got one of the S-Style controllers. I prefer this type over the bigger original ones, but, I can see how it is tough to get used to a new type of controller....i mean, buttons have beem moved, and it's just smaller. So he snagged a new one today, and just informed me that all the XBOX LIVE STATS on BUNGIE have been RESET! So much for Mr. Level 14, hello Mr. Level 0!

Other than that, I have only 7 days left and then I'm FINISHED!!!!!! My advisor is coming out tomorrow supposedly, so hopefully THAT goes well. Baring that little thing tomorrow, I am free to sail on into the sunset of NIU ALUMNI!!!

And on that note, I have to go home and get some sleep....4:45am baby...gotta love it

-Dan out-

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Still at WORK!!!!

Well, 10pm roles around on Sunday night. I should be on my way home to get some sleep, before I have to get up at 4:45am....but, where am I? Still at work? OF course I am....the girl who is supposed to come in after me, is not being relieved of her shift she's currently at until who knows when. Where upon, she could "walk" here from Neptune dorms, which is only like a 5 minute walk....but, nooooo, she's waiting for a bus. To scary at night i guess... >:O

2 more weeks...just keep remembering that....2 more weeks!!!

-dan out-