Thursday, May 05, 2005

Laptops are cool!

Well, I borrowed a laptop from school again. It's an i-book, i know.....lame...haha, but, it's still fun. I prefer a PC by far....I am just more familiar with it I believe, and have all my programs on PC so if I ever switched over to a MAC I'd have to start over from sctratch with all my software. I'm not in a big hurry to do that. I tried to play Doom3 again today, but yep, same as ever, crash to desktop! Gotta love my computer of crashiness!

In other news, I only have 6 school days left till the graduation of justice and I'm excited! I'm only bummed about two things in regards to that. One, I won' be able to take a nice shiny LAPTOP home to surf on the web on while sitting on the couch of justice. Two, I won't be able listen to my new audiobook that I just started, Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy, while I'm driving the 2 hrs every day. Now, I am glad I don't have to drive that 2 hrs though as well. Driving is not my forte'. So I raise a glass to graduating baby!

Currently watching Survivor and it is getting pretty good, kinda like it always does when we get down to like six people left on the island. HAHAHA, so good...the person who I wanted out just got voted out, and now his girlfriend he met on the show is all like, "oh baby got voted out....waaaahhhhh". So good!

Well, i'm gonna go do something else, maybe play some Guild Wars or something. Take it easy foo's!

-Dan out-


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