Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Orange Gatorade!!!!!


Sherlock Holmes Complete Works

Orange Gatorade is the best drink ever. Everytime I get me an orange gatorade, everything seems right in the world...haha.

Besides that, Jarod broke his controller while we were playing Halo2 yesterday...and he has the original controllers too, the football sized ones. He's pretty used to that size though, and he most likely will not be able to find one that is that size again...since they don't make them anymore. So he went out and got one of the S-Style controllers. I prefer this type over the bigger original ones, but, I can see how it is tough to get used to a new type of controller....i mean, buttons have beem moved, and it's just smaller. So he snagged a new one today, and just informed me that all the XBOX LIVE STATS on BUNGIE have been RESET! So much for Mr. Level 14, hello Mr. Level 0!

Other than that, I have only 7 days left and then I'm FINISHED!!!!!! My advisor is coming out tomorrow supposedly, so hopefully THAT goes well. Baring that little thing tomorrow, I am free to sail on into the sunset of NIU ALUMNI!!!

And on that note, I have to go home and get some sleep....4:45am baby...gotta love it

-Dan out-


At 9:30 PM, Blogger Mark said...

When it comes to Gatorade:

Lime > Grape > Blue > Fruit punch > Orange

That is all

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Dan said...

mmmm, really, any kind is good, but orange, grape, lime, fruit punch is my order my friend.....


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