Sunday, June 05, 2005

We are now GENESEO-ANS!!

Well, after a long day of running around with large awkward heavy things, we are all moved in to Geneseo. If you want the address, gimme a call or shoot me an e-mail and I'll hook ya up wit it. It was quite the adventure. We got the truck around 10:30am, and were all packed by about 12:15 or so. We then got some nice Pita Pete's, and then hit the road. Chad came by to see us off and hung out for some lunch. We arrived in Geneseo around 2:30 or 3pm. We then started right away unloading the truck and moving everything in. This place is a little smaller than our last place, and well, it is going to be interesting unpacking everything. Talk about a disaster area right now. We do have a garage though, so, I spose we can always use that for some storage if needed. We then went back over to Andrea's parents to eat and hang out for a while. Swimming was nice and the food was great...mmmm, steaks!

Today will be an interesting day because we are both exhausted but really wanna start unpacking and whatever else. The cats both hate each other and that was a BLAST getting them into their respective carriers last night. They are just angry at the world I think and are trying to kill each other and us. Good times!

I start work with my dad this week, in theory, and can't wait for the summer of justice to begin. Thanks to everyone who helped out with the moving and stuff, it was greatly appreciated.

Hopefully we'll have someo net hooked up in the next few weeks. Till then, my cell phone is always on. Gimme a call and we can get some much needed 'hanging out' on.

-dan out-


At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dude, I haven't heard from ANY of you guys in a while, I'm disapointed;). Things are goin good here, we have a return home date, but those things change all the time. Right now though we should be home by christmas. I can't wait to get together and have a big old bash. Anyways, I got some EE2 to play, so I'm out.



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