Monday, September 19, 2005

Long time no Post

Well, it has been quite a while since I've posted here. I'm sure the five people who check this have long since given up checking it, but perhaps they'll check back for one final horah! School has been going great. I'm getting the hang of my schedule, the kids, and all the other stuff that goes along with teaching. This weekend I have to grade a TON of art projects, but, it shouldn't be to bad. I'll put on some X-Files or something and blow through it all. The weather finally cooled off here and I have a feeling it will stay cool from here on out.

Went to the Green Day / Jimmy Eat World concert the other night. Very fun time! I also snagged a t-shirt which will be worn proudly when I'm not at school. They are a very good band live and I have even more respect for the drummer. THey are a crude band of course, but, then again, what band isn't these days.

Finally got paid the other week, which was great, so we could pay some bills.

Just snagged some tickets to the Foo Fighters/Weezer concert that will be on the 3rd of October...gonna be good times.

So Jarod just sent me a link to what the new Nintendo Revolution Controller looks like...and I'll I have to say is....w..t..h! This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Check out an article here about it. all I have to say about it.

The survivor betting website is up that I threw together this weekend. Check it out here if you are in survivor, or wanna know what I'm talking about.

Watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose....and man, it was messed up. The scary parts were indeed just that, freakin' scary. Check out this actual recording of I believe her exorcism....kinda disturbing.

And on that note, I bid you goodbye...gotta go to my 6th grade homeroom. Until next time....



At 8:35 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Hey, I still check out your blog...

...once a month, to make sure you're still alive ;-)

At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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