Sunday, August 14, 2005

Work starts TOMORROW!

Well, work begins tomorrow morning. Gotta love introduction inservice days. I'll get to learn all about why I'm going to TEAR IT UP teaching the kiddies and what kind of crazy extra things I'll have to figure out to do it properly.

Last night, Andy, Jarod and Dave came over for some much needed HALO 2 on LIVE! Man, that game just keeps getting better and better...haha. We started goin around 8pm and got done a little after 11. Lots of yelling and destroying occurred. Gotta love MICS and Jarod being used simultaneously. If you look at the stats from the games, we had a LOT of teams just give up on us...cause we were smoking them to bad. I had quite a few 1st places too if I don't say so myself!

This past week I finished up working for my dad. It wasn't to bad of a summer. I made some dough, paid the bills relatively speaking and finaggled some lunch out of it everyday. Good times.

Going to a get together for school with all the teachers tonight. Hopefully it's not to awkward or anything like that. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Played some poker this week and tore things up! We played 3 games, a winner gets $12 game, winner gets $18 game, and winner gets $30 game. I finaggled the $12 one and the $30 one. Matt got things done with the $18. So far, I'm only down like $30 for all the games we've played so far. Here's hoping I can win a few more like that.

My computer died again...go figure, and I used Andrea's 350mhz for a while, until I couldn't take it anymore. So yesterday afternoon, I tore mine apart again and reinstalled windows and everything. I pulled out 2 of my 3 ram sticks, leaving me with a mere 256mb DDR ram, but ya know, she's running good now. After I pulled those other two sticks, she stopped locking up. Here's hoping it stays goin strong till we can get a new one.

Besides that, not to much is going on. Gotta jet and get some grub. I'll be updating more frequently now I hope....not that to many people read this anyway...haha.

-dan out-


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Mark said...

I'm one of the few who read your blog, Danny boy, but it's good, quality entertainment so I wouldn't miss it for the world ;-)

So, couldn't take the 350 mhz beast anymore, eh? Well I hope the 256 mb wonder takes its place nicely... who knows, if it stays stable with just that 1 stick of RAM maybe all you have to do is buy new sticks of RAM to replace the bad ones and then you save yourself loads of money!


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