Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy Summer So Far!

This summer has been pretty dang busy so far. First off, we finaggled a house and have been moving in like crazy over the past month. We have now been officially living in our house for 2 weeks. It's weird and will undoubtedly take some getting used to. As soon as we moved in, I remember that, oh yeah, we have NO OUTLETS upstairs. Because of this, my father-in-law and I pulled two new runs of wire from the electrical box down in the basement to the upstairs. We could have tied into the OLD wiring...and when I say OLD I mean from the 60's or 70's, buuuuut, decided against it since we would be running a air conditioner, and more importantly, my computer up there. We got all of that done last weekend, and have been running some mighty power up here ever since.

Andrea had a baby shower this past weekend, which was fun, more so for her than me, but we got a ton of cool things off the registry. A swing, pack and play (play pen) this expensive lamp for the baby's room, and a whole slew of other random baby things. I now have diapers in my house.....very odd.

I also started last week working for my dad again, construction all summer. But, I decided that after the baby is born, I'm done, probably for good, but, at least for a few weeks. It's my 2 1/2 month vacation...c'mon...I deserve it, and it's completely fair...with what I get paid....I better get some time off...haha.

We've had a few, "hmm, she's having the baby" and gone to the hospital, only to be told, "silly rabbits, deliveries are for women in labor....and you are not in labor, go home and deal with the contractions." These wacky little devils are also known as Braxton Hics.....which I love calling Braxton Hic-Ups...because lets face it, they can't be THAT bad right? I mean, c'mon drama queen Andrea, having "labor pains"....riiiiiight. So, I said that once to her, jokingly of course, and got a boot to the head.

We also just decided that instead of just sorta of putting up some waterproof paneling up in the bathroom, we are going to tile. WHEEEEE, aka, gonna take a while. We are going sometime this week to pick out and buy our tile. Then comes the wonderfulness that is preparing the bathroom for tile, and then, well tiling it. WHEEEE!

On the gaming front...hmm, there really hasn't been much of a gaming front lately. I managed to get in some World of Warcraft of course, but besides that, I think Link and the Minish Cap is the only other game I've played for about 3 weeks. It's been curaaaazy and I have a feeling it will only get crazier.

Speaking of craziness, I have to go to bed, pouring concrete tomorrow....all flippin' day! How I long for Hillsbrad Foothills!


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