Sunday, February 20, 2005

4 Day Week this week baby!

Weekend is about over, but, oh wait...not quite. Tomorrow I have it off for President's Day...WHEEE. Hopefully Andrea doesn't read this...cause she doesn't have it off. I will be working on some stuff for school though, and playin with the cats a bit. I also am going to be filling out an application for a position at Annaway High School as an Art Teacher. I already sent out my resume and cover letter, and will be filling out the application either tonight, or tomorrow. All of it is due by the 22nd, so I should get it done very soon. It's only three pages long, which isn't to bad, and shouldnt' take more than 10 minutes to fill out. WHEEEE for a possible job.

Right now I'm sitting at my job in Grant Computer lab...being bored. It's a good job though, because it allows me time to work on other things besides work. Sunday makes for a long night though...with work from 3-5pm, then from 6-10pm. Gotta love working.

I finished my audio book that I have been listening to on the way to and from Rockford where I am student teaching. The book was called Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind. He is quite the author. I just started the 2nd book in the series called Stone of Tears, and so far, it's just as good as the first one. I just looked it up, and there are 9 books so far in this series. Add that to the Gunslinger Series I'm reading by Stephen King, and the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan I'm reading and there are QUITE a lot of books that I have to get through. Here's hoping!

Tonight kinda sucks, because Andrea is home now from the QC, but I work all we don't get to hang out. This is how every Sunday seems to be, which really sucks, but we'll be hanging out next weekend together, so hopefully it will make up for the suck that is today.

I played some World of Warcraft with Chad this weekend. That game is so much fun. I was going to stay up last night and play with him and Matt till the whee hours of the morning, but I simply can NOT stay up late anymore. I just seem to fall asleep. About 11:30, I crashed, mainly cause I was sick of waiting for them, but also because of my exhaustedness.

I finally got a package from my friend Jonathan. He sent me some Star Trek: Enterprise episodes on some blank DVD's I provided for him. We had thought it was lost in the mail, but it turns out they were just..well, no idea what happened...but I have them now, which is all that matters.

Other than that, I have been reading this comic series called SuperMan and Batman. It's pretty darn good...a nice team up between the man of steel and the dark knight. Worth a check out if you enjoy comics.

Well, I'm going to get going...back to work now. I'll be in touch.

-Dan out-


At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Danny Boy,

It's Mykey, good luck on the job! I'm sure you will be fine!




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