Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another Week....another Sunday

And another week is about to begin. I am not really looking forward to this week simply because i am just sorta sick of driving 45 mins both ways, as well as getting up at 5:30am every friggin morning. But, it's only for a semester, I'll manage.

Stuck at work...while everyone else watches the Superbowl. I really don't care who wins this, but it is always fun watching football no matter who is playing. The best part though about the superbowl is that the commercials are indeed some of teh best that any compnay forking over teh dough to advertise tonight on Fox, has to offer. I believe there will be a site that has all of them for people to watch streaming, and I hope to take a part in abusing that site so that I can see them.

Andrea and I drove to her brother's house on Saturday morning and hung out with him and Tricia and their our two nieces. Andrea's parents were also up that was nice. I enjoy being at their place. We had a lot of fun hanging out and going out to eat for Greg's birthday. I wanna say he's 36, but, that might be wrong...something around there anyway. He got a cool poker chipset for his birthday and so myself, Andrea's dad Dale, Greg and his brother-in-law Dave all sat down and played some poker. I wasn't doing to badly, but I think what hurt me was forgetting that a flush beat 3 of a kind. Duh! I know, but I know. Poker is fun though and even if it isn't for money, can still be a good way to spend a few hours.

Greg has all of these Chicago Cubs posters that he got somewhere and we are now starting to sell them on EBAY. We'll see if anyone buys them or not. If one sells, we'll throw up another and another....till they are gone. Hopefully he'll get a few bucks for it....if not, well, he's only out like $0.45 or something so no great loss.

I'm sitting in the lab tonight, and there are about 5 people in here. I find myself wanting to just go, "the lab is closed tonight, because of the SuperBowl", but I don't think my boss would go along with that to well.

I'm teaching almost every class all week now, since this is my fourth week. This is kinda cool too because when I am finished with this week, I will be 1/4 of the way through the semester and 1/4 of the way to being graduated for good!

I've been reading this comic called Supreme Power. This line published by Marvel is very interesting because it reveals the origin of this guy called Hyperion. It's all about a kid who crashes here from a distant planet, all Super-Man style, and this couple finds him, but the government takes him away and trains him as the "perfect American" so he'll fight for our side. He figures it all out when he grows older and gets all angry with the U.S. about what they did to him....all the while figuring out where he came from and why there are other people with crazy super powers as well the seemed to have appeared right when he did. Good times!

I finished the Stephen King book, The Drawing of the Three and it was pretty sweet. I have the next book in the Dark Tower Series entitled, The Waste Lands sitting here ready for me to begin reading. I will most likely start it tonight while I'm at work. Can't wait to see what happens next.

I suppose I should go figure out the lesson I am going to be teaching for Tuesday, so I can go over it with my cooperating teacher. So, until the next time I have some time and incentive to post something on here, take it easy....and go watch the SuperBowl.

-dan out-


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