Monday, February 21, 2005

DAY OFF!!!......meh!

Well, today was my day off from student teaching. I used today to fill out a couple applications, put together another packet of my resume, cover letter, official transcripts and school application to send out to the good old town of Aledo. WHEEEEE....I would really like to work there. The town is small, there are not a SLEW of students, and it's not that far from the Q.C.

Early this morning, after Andrea left for work, I drove over to get a new pair of dressish pants, and see if my "new" phone was in over at Sprint. Luckily, the phone was on, and hey..what do ya works! It is weird having a phone that actually works..and I can hear people on it. Odd....paying for a phone that works right!

After I got back from all that, I filled out the applications, and then sent Jarod an IM to see if he was up for a little Halo2. He was, and we played about 5 games or so when Andrea called wanting to know if I wanted to meet her for lunch. So I drove over to her work, picked her up, and we went and grabbed some food from KFC baby! I then dropped her back off at work, and drove back home.

Then, it was time for some Warcraft. I played this for quite a while, and at one point, Chaddy hopped on to play. He didnt' have long though, so we did a few quests...and he took off again. I really love this game, and think it is quite possibly the funnest game I've played out of all the MMORPG games I've played in my life. I've played quite a few too...Nexus (old game, played it in High School), next was probably a few of my betas like, Earth and Beyond...I think it was called, Eve Online, and there was one other one before I got into the StarWars Galaxies beta. This game was pretty darn fun, and got me sorta hooked on the whole idea of MMORPG's. I didn't play it very much though, so I just kinda stopped playing it. AFter that...I may have tried Galaxies out one more time. Gave up, because there was no one to play it with, and it really didn't seem like my type of game. Then, I found Warcraft....and poof, it was fun as heck. The shear number of people playing this game is mind boggling and adds to the experience of the game. I'll post some pics sometime soon to show ya my character and what the game is about if you are not up on these types of things.

I'm at work again, go figure, it seems like I'm ALWAYS working. Then I have a meeting after work tonight over in another computer lab, Grant Residence Hall's lab. That will last about 15 mins or so....and then it's home and off to bed. 5:30am comes WAYYY to early.

Tomorrow night I have parent teacher conferences again, which consists of myself and my cooperating teacher sitting there working on lesson ideas, or whatever else needs to be done and waiting for the three hours to get up. She is having her sculpture sock Monkey delivered tomorrow though, haha, which if you've seen all the frogs around East Moline and Silvis I think, you'll sorta have an idea as to why they're making Sock idea really, but it's interesting, and when all the people who are painting one, or doing whatever to one, are through, they will be placed in public places all around Rockford. It's a Rockford thing I guess...haha.

Other than that, I will have to check my hookup site to see if the new 24 is up yet. I don't get to watch 24 when it is on....since I'm at work, so I usually get them online so I can watch them. I could just tape them I spose, but the quality suffers. I enjoy high quality.

Other than all of that, life is pretty much the same as the day before....working, sleeping, haha...occasionally I get to hang out with my wife, which always rules, or play a game....but, it sure does seem busy around here lately.

Until next time...

-Dan out-


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