Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Check out more pics of it here.

-dan out-

Monday, March 21, 2005

4 Day Week baby!!!


Well, this week is gonna be pretty good. I am at my new placement and it is going well. I have this Friday off from teaching as well as all of next week. I got the remote desktop thing working so I can log into my computer back home while I'm at work. There is some lag, but that is ok because I can do stuff on my computer and get paid for it. Went home this past weekend to hang out and brought the ol' cats. They enjoyed some outside time (on andrea's parent's porch) and i got to see a new movie. Be Cool was seen by myself, Andrea, Doug and Kim. It wasn't half bad, although Get Shorty was WAY better!

Went out to eat with Matty on Sunday before we drove back. Good ol' Fudruckers....i swear there is a bad word in there somewhere....just haven't found it yet. Got the ol' tax return check today. That'll be a nice little deposit. Course, all of it is going towards an apartment in June when we move back home.

Got to play a little Halo2 tonight when I got home from school. I think I have reached my peak as far as being good at that game goes. I'm just above average. I have my moments where I completely dominate....but usually, I'm in the middle somewhere or closer to the bottom. I'm OK with this though, because Jarod is always on my team, and losing is a little better when you have someone to share the losing-ness with. Course, when Jarod is playin, we usually don't lose.

I cooked out some pork chops tonite. Man....since it's finally nice out, i can grill out now! This makes for some good times.

I have to get up at like 4:45am now every morning. This means, come 9pm, my scrawny butt is in bed. 4:45am comes WAY to soon and I need my ugly sleep!

Doug and I played some NBA Street vol. 2 this weekend. That game is pretty freakin' fun. You are playing 3 on 3 and pretty much anything goes...within reason. You can push people down, goal tend, break the rim.....and there are no penalties. Doug and I had a good time playing that. I left my CUBE there so we can play some more the next time we're home on a weekend....if we have time.

Nothing like sitting at work....vegging out! I have a few comics I've not read yet that I should probably I'm gonna go do that....

Until Next Time...


Monday, March 07, 2005

Monday of non-Justice....again

Well, I will soon be out of Rockford for good, which is a little sad....but, a little exciting because I get to look forward to a whole new set of students. WHEEEEE!!

Monday's suck....i've decided. I know everyone has said that before, but I think that when you wake up after having experienced a GREAT day of almost 60 degree weather, to the news telling you it's gonna snow tonight...well, it just kinda makes ya hate De Kalb and Illinois in general.

It's Monday night, so you know what that means...sitting at work again. No real stupid questions yet...but, I know they're coming.

Penny-Arcade is a very funny web-comic. Everytime I read their comics, I just have to laugh. These are not comics for the light of heart though. If you can not handle "language" then don't even bother checking them out. If you don't mind a little language....that is used humorously, check them out here!

Played a little World of Warcraft today again. Still loving it. I actually, haven't played Halo2 in 2 weeks now. Mind boggling. I think I'm losing my mind, but Warcraft is like taking over my gaming needs. Perhaps tomorrow night I will play some Halo2 and stop being such a roleplaying nerd, and begin being the better kind of nerd.....a First Person Shooter nerd!

Speaking of nerds, I met Matt for lunch the other day after my interview with Annawan Schools, and he showed me his rocking new IPOD Shuffle. This little baby is soooo sweet and if I am ever just flipping around like $100, I will pick one of these up. I don't expect to have $100 to just be flipping around anytime soon, but should the opportunity arrive, I'll be sure to flip it over to Best-Buy and pick one up.

I'm kind of weary of IPODs though. I mean, they're just so cute and trendy....the make me want to puke. There is a certain "type" of person that uses IPODs and MACS and stuff like that...and those people are very quirky. I dunno, MACS have always turned me the other way to my beloved crash-prone PC. I know she ain't much to look at, and she likes to blue screen at in-oppurtune times, but what can I supports everything I want in a computer and feels the way I want a computer to feel. I have WAY to many memories with a PC and way to many bad memories with a MAC. Just my 2 cents on that.-

Andrea and I went over to my brother-in-law and sister's house on Saturday. We ate some pizze, Brian and I looked at his new Broadband from Comcast, and we messed around with Bittorrent...a truly lovely program. I then refreshed him on how to play Euchre so he would be ready to go for his Euchre club he just joined up with at his church. Should make for good times. I miss Euchre...such a classic game.

This weekend coming up, I get the privilege of going and taking my Assessement of Professional Teaching Test down in Normal, IL. Gotta love driving down there and enjoying the whole sitting and filling in bubbles for 2 1/2 hrs straight. Andrea and I hope to drive down there on Friday night, and stay in a hotel so I can just get up and go to my test the next morning. The alternative would be to get up hella early on Saturday morning, and drive there to take my test....the first scenario sounds like a much better idea.

The evil twins have managed to find out how to open our pantry closet door and go inside, bringing the evil thunder of their furry paws and demonic teeth to battle a wide assortment of food and pantry items such as: Beef jerky, paper bags, paper towels, catfood bag, bottled water....and many many other things. Because of this, they have forced me to fight back in the only way I know using my brain. I know, i know...i could permanently injure myself doing something as dangerous as using my brain. I have faith though, that by doing this one heroic act, I will be able to allow those items in my pantry a much needed calm before the demonic spawns of satan figure out how to get past my locking mechanism of a thumb tack, a nail, and a hair tie stretched taunt! Figure THAT out oh ye children of darkness!

And with that, I must go do something else. Oll dis sofistikatied talk be mak'n my nudle hert!

-Dan out-

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Annawan-t a job...And I Got One

So...Annawan Schools decided that I was a good candidate for their Art Teacher position and made my day today by hiring me. I begin work in the fall of 2005. It's gonna be tough, taking over a k-12 art curriculum, but hey, after writing that crazy 16 week curriculum....this should be a walk in the park....a park with dinosaurs...that shoot lava out of their eyes at anything they look at. Yeah....kinda like that. I'm psyched though, and thanks go to my lovely wife Andrea for helping me with my resume. Without her help, my resume would have said something like, "I did some art stuff....oh, and my name is Dan....haha, hire me please!" So thanks baby, and get well!

In other news, WOW is getting more and more fun. I have a couple pictures to show you of my current character and what she's been up to....assuming you care.

!!!WARNING!!! ... this is only for the NERD at heart!

Here is a shot of my mage casting a nice fireball spell...

This next shot is my mage fighting a bad little humanoid called a KOBOLD

This final shot is of my mage looking at the town of Goldshire off in the distance.
Look at all the people hanging around...there is a RIDICULOUS amount of people playing this game...this is but a shred of those people.

Hope enjoyed NERD hour there.

That's about all I have to say for tonite....until next time

-dan out-