In other news, WOW is getting more and more fun. I have a couple pictures to show you of my current character and what she's been up to....assuming you care.
!!!WARNING!!! ... this is only for the NERD at heart!
Here is a shot of my mage casting a nice fireball spell...

This next shot is my mage fighting a bad little humanoid called a KOBOLD

This final shot is of my mage looking at the town of Goldshire off in the distance.
Look at all the people hanging around...there is a RIDICULOUS amount of people playing this game...this is but a shred of those people.

Hope enjoyed NERD hour there.
That's about all I have to say for tonite....until next time
-dan out-
Oh, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it indeed!
Congrats on the job man, being in the QC again means more Halo!
Haha ... funny thing happening to me, I'm going deaf in my left ear :D
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