Monday, March 21, 2005

4 Day Week baby!!!


Well, this week is gonna be pretty good. I am at my new placement and it is going well. I have this Friday off from teaching as well as all of next week. I got the remote desktop thing working so I can log into my computer back home while I'm at work. There is some lag, but that is ok because I can do stuff on my computer and get paid for it. Went home this past weekend to hang out and brought the ol' cats. They enjoyed some outside time (on andrea's parent's porch) and i got to see a new movie. Be Cool was seen by myself, Andrea, Doug and Kim. It wasn't half bad, although Get Shorty was WAY better!

Went out to eat with Matty on Sunday before we drove back. Good ol' Fudruckers....i swear there is a bad word in there somewhere....just haven't found it yet. Got the ol' tax return check today. That'll be a nice little deposit. Course, all of it is going towards an apartment in June when we move back home.

Got to play a little Halo2 tonight when I got home from school. I think I have reached my peak as far as being good at that game goes. I'm just above average. I have my moments where I completely dominate....but usually, I'm in the middle somewhere or closer to the bottom. I'm OK with this though, because Jarod is always on my team, and losing is a little better when you have someone to share the losing-ness with. Course, when Jarod is playin, we usually don't lose.

I cooked out some pork chops tonite. Man....since it's finally nice out, i can grill out now! This makes for some good times.

I have to get up at like 4:45am now every morning. This means, come 9pm, my scrawny butt is in bed. 4:45am comes WAY to soon and I need my ugly sleep!

Doug and I played some NBA Street vol. 2 this weekend. That game is pretty freakin' fun. You are playing 3 on 3 and pretty much anything goes...within reason. You can push people down, goal tend, break the rim.....and there are no penalties. Doug and I had a good time playing that. I left my CUBE there so we can play some more the next time we're home on a weekend....if we have time.

Nothing like sitting at work....vegging out! I have a few comics I've not read yet that I should probably I'm gonna go do that....

Until Next Time...



At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man ... you're halfway to a level 12 in Skirmish ... stick with me, you'll go far :D


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