Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ahhh, another Day!

Well, today has been just one of those #$%! Days!  You guys know the ones…that every little thing annoys you and when you feel like if one more thing happens that isn’t going your way, you may kill someone! Then that one thing does happen, but you don’t kill someone cause if ya did, you’d go to jail, and that would make for a LONG series of worse days….so you just grin and bare it! Ahhh,….the life and times of trying, emphasis on trying, to teach high schoolers anything!

We have poker tonight though, so that will make me a happy camper for a few hours…haha.  I won the last poker game I was at…while only being $15, was still a win.  Here’s hoping that tonight goes smoothly and I can finagle some more cash out of people!

Doug and I played some Star Wars Battlefront II last night.  I love that game!  The first one was good, and this one is even better.  Flying around killing baddies, and you even get to be a Jedi in this game.  The space battles are also pretty sweet… all in all, GREAT GAME!

Andrea is still sick as of late, but I think she’s getting past the worse part of it all.  That makes me a happy Husband!

JArod just sent me this crazy link to a video where this kid is fighting with his mother and forgets to turn off his MIC in Xbox Live!  Check it out, warning, LANGUAGE!

I’m gonna go work on some random stuff now…..check back later for a brief update as to how the old day went tomorrow! Week is almost over though, so that is worth something!

-Dan out-

Monday, December 12, 2005

Cool Picture Taking

Well, the new camera rules!  Here are a few pics I’ve taken so far with it.  I can’t wait till it is a little nicer out and I can get out and fill up that memory card.  Christmas I’m sure we’ll take a lot of pictures as well.  I was amazed at the quality close up this thing gets.  

Pic of Camera - not taken with the new camera though
Pic of the Cat
Pic of the Cat 2
Nature Shot
Checking how the camera works with Motion - The fan was moving on high at the time

Messing with shutter speed and aperture size also helps create some cool looking effects.  What really blows me away about this camera is that EVERYTHING is customizable….I mean down to the smallest detail.  I still have a lot of learning to do though.

-Dan out-

Thursday, December 08, 2005

New Updates of JUSTICE

Well, the biggest news as of late is the apprehension of a little someone who is coming in July to join the Dan and Andrea family.  Yes that is right, I get my very own rugrat come July 11th or so.  Can’t wait actually!  It’s gonna be weird having a little person looking up at me expecting me to feed it, care for it, teach it, discipline it, drive it places, pick it up from places, give it things, pay for it’s school, pay for it’s wedding… their….well, ok, I guess I’m getting ahead of myself….but you can see the ramifications of it all.  Both Andrea and myself are very psyched, although she is a little annoyed at feeling sick all day everyday for the past 3 weeks…but hopefully that will pass!

In other news, I am dumb and thought that the poker night over at Andy’s friends house was last night instead of tonight.  So I pick up Jarod, meet Matt and pick him up over at the in-laws where he left his car, and am on my way to Andy’s to follow him to his friends house for some RAWKIN poker of justice.  Around 16 people playing….gonna be good times…so I call him and am all, “yo Andy, you ready to go?”, to which he replies, “uh, go where?”, I’m like, “dude, poker!!! ( ( (”, he’s like, “uh, that’s tomorrow night man….” <SIGH>.  So anyway, he says come on over anyway.  So the four of us played a nice 4 person game and I managed to finagle the win.  YEAH, $15…..haha.  That was pretty fun.

In still other news….my CAMERA will be coming tomorrow in the mail.  I’m way psyched about it too…..some fun is gonna be had with that baby!

It’s snowing right now….up to probably 2 or 3 inches so far I’d say.  We are supposed to get up to 5” I guess, but sadly, we will almost DEFINITELY still have school tomorrow.  Ah well, it was worth a shot, nice try snowstorm!

I’ve been playing some Halo2 again lately.  I forgot how fun that game is.  There are a few new gamemodes you can play now such as Team Sniper Death Match, which is fun, and 6 vs 6 mode.  Good times to say the least.

I’m not sure what else to talk about…..we got our Christmas tree up last Sunday…and it was WAY wider than we thought it was when we cut it down.  Ah well, it looks good at least.  Our heat went out for a few days, till we figured out how to light the pilot light.  Darn thing goes out quite often.  THEN, the pilot light went out for the water heater….<sigh> , curse that apartment.

Anyway, I’m gonna go do something constructive….maybe, haha.

-Dan out-

----check the new SITE…it’s slightly improved maybe…who knows, It’s probably worse



Just testing out this new word add-on that lets me type up blog posts in WORD and then upload them without even loading up the website.
