In other news, I am dumb and thought that the poker night over at Andy’s friends house was last night instead of tonight. So I pick up Jarod, meet Matt and pick him up over at the in-laws where he left his car, and am on my way to Andy’s to follow him to his friends house for some RAWKIN poker of justice. Around 16 people playing….gonna be good times…so I call him and am all, “yo Andy, you ready to go?”, to which he replies, “uh, go where?”, I’m like, “dude, poker!!! ( ( (”, he’s like, “uh, that’s tomorrow night man….” <SIGH>. So anyway, he says come on over anyway. So the four of us played a nice 4 person game and I managed to finagle the win. YEAH, $15…..haha. That was pretty fun.
In still other news….my CAMERA will be coming tomorrow in the mail. I’m way psyched about it too…..some fun is gonna be had with that baby!

It’s snowing right now….up to probably 2 or 3 inches so far I’d say. We are supposed to get up to 5” I guess, but sadly, we will almost DEFINITELY still have school tomorrow. Ah well, it was worth a shot, nice try snowstorm!
I’ve been playing some Halo2 again lately. I forgot how fun that game is. There are a few new gamemodes you can play now such as Team Sniper Death Match, which is fun, and 6 vs 6 mode. Good times to say the least.
I’m not sure what else to talk about…..we got our Christmas tree up last Sunday…and it was WAY wider than we thought it was when we cut it down. Ah well, it looks good at least. Our heat went out for a few days, till we figured out how to light the pilot light. Darn thing goes out quite often. THEN, the pilot light went out for the water heater….<sigh> , curse that apartment.
Anyway, I’m gonna go do something constructive….maybe, haha.
-Dan out-
----check the new SITE…it’s slightly improved maybe…who knows, It’s probably worse
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