Sunday, March 12, 2006

Not Very Photogenic

currently reading: The Sword of Shannara Trilogy - Terry Brooks

Well, we went to the ultra-sound on Friday. It was very cool to actually see our baby and watch it move around. The heart beating was probably the coolest part but all in all, just the fact that you could see the baby was very cool. Here are some pictures from the ultra-sound...although, they looked a TON better on the monitor at the doctor's office. But, you can see a few things.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6

I'm even more excited now that I have seen this little kid moving around and what not.

In other news, I designed the backdrop for my school play. I had to draw it all out first, print it out on transparency paper, project it on the backdrop which was hung on my wall, trace it out, then do the other side of it, (it's in 2 different sections), and then bring it down to the gymnasium where myself, Andrea, another teacher at my school, and three freshmen girls all painted for 6 hours. We FINALLY finished about 4pm....and got the heck out of there. It turned out pretty well, and if I remember, I will post some pics of it after I take some.

This week is standardized testing for 3rd thru Jr. Highschool....which means, I lose my room to the 2nd grade classes through Wednesday. Otherwise, the classes will be disturbed. Sooooo, I get to do art on a cart...aka, we're going to be doing a lot of drawing ladies and gentlemen!

Also this week, is my first art show over at a local high school. I am bringing some students with me and 30 pieces of art work to display. I am a little nervous about how this whole thing will work out, but I know that even if something goes wrong, no one will be angry at me or anything...since I'm new to the whole art show thing. Now NEXT year...there will be no excuse...haha.

Tomorrow I get to finish matting the rest of the student's artwork and then just kind of hang out. Hopefully we find out if Andrea got the job or not this week, and can stop stressing out about that. JUST GIVE IT TO HER ALREADY!!!

-Dan out-


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