Thursday, March 02, 2006

Three Day Weekend

Well, another week is almost over, and I’m one step closer to the end of the year.  Not that I’m wishing my life away, but there are quite a few things that will be happening over this next year that I’m kind of excited about.  First off, the baby…..come July, stuff is going to be a whole lot different around our lives.  We’ll know if Andrea has her job as well, which hopefully will turn up to be here at my school, ::crosses fingers:: .  Also, we will hopefully have a house, albeit a small one maybe, but a house none the less, which is WAY better than an apartment.  

In other news, X-Files is a great show.  I made it through seasons 1, 2, and am now working on season 3.  Good times are being had.  Tonight I think that myself and Jarod will be playing some Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on LIVE.  Let me just say, I’m glad someone else got that game so I have someone with which to play.  We’ve rocked out that game a few times, and tonite I believe will be another night.  There is just something about playing with a TON of other people that makes you feel like you’re actually there.  I know, I know, living in a dream right?  So what……, dreams rule!

My brother in law wants me to play in this poker tournament that if you win, will give you a free shot at the World Poker Championship Tourny…..buuuuut, I don’t really want to do it.  Why, oh why you might ask….well, it’s to much pressure.  When I play poker, I play for fun, to have a good time, and maybe win some money.  The second that there is someone who is to obsessed with winning, the fun is ruined….and I know that I would be to serious about the whole thing.  I’ll stick with my little games, and have fun doing it.

Three Day Weekend coming up here, which puts me in a good mood!  Hope it’s a fun weekend of justice!



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