Friday, March 03, 2006


This game could quite possibly change the way all games are seen from now on.  Will Wright, best known for his Sim City and Sims series, has a new game coming out called Spore.  This game is quite amazing.  There sheer size of this game is mind boggling.  HERE is a video of his presentation of the game to some of his peers I’m suspecting, but it shows pretty much all the aspects of the game.  It basically starts out at a cellular level and you slowly evolve from a one celled organism all the way up to a highly advanced race of people that live on a planet and wage wars against other races or species of animals or creatures that live in other cities that they have evolved into.  Once you get the entire planet working together, through advancing technologies, creating a Sim City like civilization, then a Civ like civilization, you jump into a planetary exploration and terra-forming game.  You can travel to other planets in your solar system, by way of a space-ship that you have finally invented by working your technology up to that level, and you can start life on other planets.  Now…the other planets in your solar system or nearby solar systems also are working towards that goal.  You can run across alien races and all kinds of other “players” who have been doing the exact same thing you did with your solar system.  There are literally THOUSANDS of different outcomes.  Needless to say, I am VERY excited about this game….and can see playing it for years and years….hmm, kinda like some of his other games.  Funny how that works.


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