Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Yes yes is going ok. What with a subject heading like, "WOHOOOOO!" you'd think that something great had just happened. Well it has kinda. First off, we have been waiting for our $#%! insurance card for the better part of a month now. 3 weeks is a long time to go without insurance for a car. We held off driving it for a week or so, the agent promised the card would be there by the end of the week. Friday, nothin, Saturday, nothin, Sunday....well, you get the picture. I called him back on Monday and was all ">:o". He was like, oh, there was a hang up, you'll get it this week for sure. The policy has gone active though, so you're covered as we speak. So again, waiting, waiting...nothing. I call him back again the following Monday, having already been driving the car, I have to be in Rockford every day, and Andrea is I we HAVE to drive that other car. So when I call him, he's "busy" but I leave a message and wait a call back. Nothing comes that day from him. I go to school the next day, do my thing, get done and start driving home. My phone starts beeping with "new message". I check it, it's our insurance guy ... again! " Another small hang up, but, you should have it in a few days....AGAIN! Sooo.....then, like five days later, i check the mail, like I have been doing EVERY DAY for a $%#!ing month...and what do my little eyes behold....but a nice little envelope all covered in gold! Actually, it was covered in white and green, but FINALLY, we have the insurance card for the Saturn. Then....after I open it, i notice that it says, "policy active on January 27th at 12:01am. >:O WTF!!!!!
So it wasn't active this entire time. Been driving without insurance. I hate large corporations...and the way the do...or don't do things.

If ya made it through all that....congrads. My check from Northern came today too. Soooooo, rent is paid till May now. Thank goodness for financial aid baby.

I am slowly taking over my cooperating teacher's classes. It is a little hard figuring out lesson plans quickly, but hey, I suppose it is good practice. I am teaching two classes tomorrow, and three on Friday. WHEEEEEE! Hope it all goes smoothly.

So I get to work tonight, and there are ladders and wires all over, hanging from the ceilings and what not. The covers are off all the florescent lights...and all kinds of piping and bulbs laying all over. This place looks like a construction zone. The lab is STILL not 24/7 which makes people angry, because instead of being 24/7 it's now....uh, 2/7...haha. I kid you not, the lab is open between 2 or 4 hours everyday, until they fix this thing up so it can function as a 24/7 attendant-less lab. Oh, and the printers are down again. WHEEEE!!! So I put some signs up saying, "Printer DOWN, sorry". And this is what people had to say about this.

" that sign true?" reply, "nope, it's a conspiracy, set to prevent you from printing.....muahahahahaha"

"Why can't I print" reply, "the same reason no one else can....i don't like you"

"I just hit print on ALL of my stuff, and none of it showed up" reply, "the printers are down....i put a sign up about it" their reply, "so when will this lab actually be useful" reply, "as soon as you leave....sometime after that"

"I don't have power can I print a powerpoint in my room, if I don't have it?" reply, "just unplug one of these computers and carry it upstairs. I won't stop you...dont' worry. As a matter of fact, if you wait till 9, I'll help you carry it."

Anyway, all kinds of questions like that were asked of me, to the point where, I decided to put up 2 more signs. Now the doorway looks like this.

X = sign

In order to walk in the lab now, you physically bump into the signs. People brush past them, and walk up, "so, are the printers working tonight." I'm currently searching for some sort of blunt object to end my suffering. But, since I cant' find one, I decided to update my Blog instead.

Hope ya enjoyed it....if ya don't hear from me for a few weeks, it's because I found that blunt object....and am in a better place.

-Dan out-

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Back to Work

Well, I am officially working again. From now until May something, I will be working on Sundays from 3-5pm, then from 6-10pm. WHEEEEE!! There is just something about working a 4 hour shift in a computer sucks! I'll manage though, because this is the one job that lets me do basically anything I want within reason. So, tonight, I will probably be looking up lesson plan ideas for the next 7 weeks of teaching K-5th grade.

This weekend, I started the insane project of cataloging all of my comic books. I loaded up Access and created a database. Then I created a form that I can just input all the vital data into, and it is then sent over to the database. It is pretty slick, and I should have done this a while ago. I am putting in such important data as, the publisher, the title, the cover price, the artist and the writer. This will be nice when I am looking for a specific comic and then, unknowingly, but it when I already have it. I plan on cataloging all of my comic Scans as well. I figured I have around 550 comics. I'm about through 60 so far. I'm having fun though.

I watched Alien vs Predator yesterday. was kinda bad. Not that I expected much from it, but, hey, I'm the guy who went into XXX hoping for more than Vin Deisel throwing one liners at the screen and blowing things up without his shirt on.

The latest LOST episode was pretty good. I think we have learned about everyone's background so far. Everyone except for Hurley. We also got to see another huge CGI polar bear. Good times were had.

This next week of teaching is a full week of justice. No Monday off or anything :(
And with that...I'm gonna sign off until the next post. Andrea is making a rock-tastic dinner tonight of ham, baked potatoes and salad....and I'm gonna take off and go eat it...before I go back to work at 6. Oh , that reminds me, I don't get to see the SuperBowl either. >:O That angers me a bit, but I'll survive.

-Dan out-

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....

Well, that was a great beginning, and so far, this semester has had an OK beginning. I am now at my first student teaching assignment. I get to help set up and instruct a huge number of students...something like 300 or so, and I get to be in complete control in a little over 3 weeks. WHEEEEE! I'm sure I'll manage somehow. So far, it has been going well, but I am only 2 days in so far, so I do not have a real feel for the teacher and the students yet. I'll keep ya posted.

I've been wondering just how many people really read this thing. I mean, I know that my buddy Mark does, and I know that Andrea does, but other than that....who knows. Well, here's to you Andrea and Mark, thanks for reading and I'll do my best to keep you entertained! Also, thanks Lindsay....I heard you read it as well!

My Halo2 days have been DRASTICALLY diminished! I'll manage, although I'll be thinking about how good it feels to snag dual SMG's and unload the entire clip into an opponent's body armor! I had typed a much more gruesome description as to what occurs when I have those dual SMG's in my hands, but I thought i'd spare you the details!

Still keeping up on all my shows......thanks to Efnet and their abilities. I simply hope that everything stays as it is now until June 15th! I have faith that it will.

So I'm sitting at work, "working", and there is this like ENORMOUS line waiting to use the print queue's a little ridiculous. I think it will be amusing when I go, "the lab will be closing in 20 minutes" and everyone looks at their watches and see that it is 9pm. I'm hoping that everyone will be all pissed at i decided to only have the lab open 4 hrs a day!

Hmmmmm, what else is going on...still don't have the car insurance card. In theory, it is active....but, we still do not have the stupid card to put in the car. I am driving it though....because I HAVE to! I called our agent today, and left a message for him to call me, although I'm not to sure what it is that he can do.

So I looked over at teh print queue station, and the screen currently has like at LEAST 50 print jobs pending sitting there. People are RIDICULOUS when it comes to print-outs!

That sucks that Chad might be leaving and going to work at John Deere. Not because he will then have money, and be able to rest easy again, but, because A: He's not gonna be around.....which isn't to horrible, since I don't have alot of time to really do anything with anyone as it is....and B: Mark will be left all alone in his humble little apartment. What will Mark do with himself.....well, I'll leave that up to everyone's imagination...hehe, (good ol' mark-o).

24 is getting kinda good. I am enjoying it thus far and will finish this I always do, because I am a sucker...and I get sucked into these sucking grounds of TV shows. This show could be the biggest pile of crap EVER, and I would most likely not even notice. I'm lost in the world of 24, and no amount of crapiness will push me away...except if Kim gets kidnapped again...if that happens...I'M OUT!!

Snagged the new Astonishing X-Men by Whedon and Cassaday, and it wasn't to bad. Some kid holds the key to the whole mutant "problem" and these aliens that are trying to annihilate earth.....and well, he just killed himself. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!! I also snagged the latest Pulse comic, written by Bendis. Haven't read it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I was just over at, and I noticed that Ultimate Spider-Man #71 is out, and I do not have it. It came out today and it is gonna be suweeet! I have em all so far, and lets face it, I better keep up with them. Now where did I put my piggy bank!

Other than all of that stuff, not a heck of a lot is going on. Played some X-Men Legends with Mark and Chad the other weekend, and that was quite the blast. Better than that though....was when we busted out Burnout:3. This game always sucks me in whenever I play it. There is just something about driving someone into the wall at 160mph upon which, you fly by them with Motion City Soundtrack blasting out of your half totalled car. WHEEEEE!!!

Tonight, Andrea made this like Chicken and Biscuits thing out of a box. It was pretty darn good, and I could see myself wanting to eat this again sometime. Never let it be said, that you can't eat in half an hour out of a box, and have it be good.
I'm not sure who has said that, but whoever they are, let it be known that they are WRONG!

And with that scrap of wisdom....I'm outta here. My job is calling me, is it my gameboy...i'm not sure. Let me go see.


Monday, January 10, 2005

One week left

There is one week left until my last semester of college begins. This should prove to be an interesting one, simply because I will not be taking conventional classes, but teaching grade school and jr. high conventional classes. Good times will undoubtedly be had in a great abundance!

Andrea and I got cell phones the other week, and so now, our old land line number is no longer relevant. If you do not have my new number, e-mail me, and I'll hook you up with it.

I've been calling the insurance guy a little bit lately trying to get the 2000 Saturn that we are buying off of Andrea's grandmother switched over to our account. WHEEEE, more bills. He should be calling me back any moment with some feedback on the status of the insurance card. I kinda need to use the car starting next Tuesday....hopefully it all goes through ok!

Today marks the beginning of the re-designing and re-vamping of my website. She needs a update, and I need to get all of my art work up as well as the other links that were or are going to be present on the site. That there site has been in a constant state of "under construction" for the past year.

I'm taking Suse....the white cat, to the vet tomorrow so maybe something can be done about this cold she has had for like 2 months. It is getting kinda old for us, and I"m sure it is already old for her.

I loaded up Battlefield: Vietnam the other day, and have been playing that quite a bit today. I love that game...and I should play it more often...and now I plan to.

World of Warcraft has been put on hold until maybe summer,....or later. I will have NO time to play that game, and poor little dwarf will die....haha, at the hands of Blizzard. Long live Congar!

WHEEEEE, the insurance will be here in a few days....and then that car can be driven. Actually, it can be driven right now I guess, since it went active on the 8th....but, we'll wait till we get that card, so we're officially legal while driving.

Well, Jarod just IM'ed me, with "HALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", so I must answer his call.

Until next time, I hope you enjoyed your complete waste of about 10 minutes.

-dan out-

Friday, January 07, 2005

New UPDATE finally!

Shut up...i know, i don't update often enough. I have a life...that is all that it means. Had a good Christmas pretty much, hanging out with the family and Andrea's family are always good times. Got into playing World of Warcraft, which is a blast, but won't have enough time to put into it starting in a week, so that will be put on hold probably till summertime. I got quite a few cool gifts for Christmas, including the Spider-Man 2 game for xbox, and the Spider-Man 2 movie! Thanks Andrea!

My sister has been up here for the past week hanging out, so we've been doing just that. Alot of HALO 2 has been being played as well, because Jarod is usually on LIVE to play with most every afternoon.

Well, my friend Bill is now over in Kuwait :( That really sucks, but it's something he has to do I suppose. We all went over to Chad/Mark's apartment for a last "hang out" session which was fun, a few weekends ago. It sucked when it was over though, and I try not to think about it. WE did have fun though. We played some Halo2, we played some Poker, we played some Euchre.....and good times were had. Hopefully Bill is doing fine. I am going to e-mail him later on today.

Well, I start student teaching a week from this coming Tuesday in Rockford. That will be really weird, but I'm ready for it.....because that means one step closer to being GRADUATED!!!

This next week, I plan to revamp my website over at Look for some actual updates in the next week or so.

I finally was able to get this program working again, that lets me find new comic books that have just came out, and even old ones. So, I have been snagging a bunch of those. If ya get a chance, read the series Y-Last Man put out by Vertigo Comics (DC). This series is so good. Every male on the entire planet dies from this plague, and there is only one guy left. Chaos breaks out....and good times are had. Check it out if you enjoy comic books.

MAtt and I went over to the like only remaining comic book store in the QC that we were able to find, over Christmas, and well, it was not a pretty site. It was the most unorganized business I have EVER seen in my life. I've been in a lot of comic book stores, but this one was in shambles. Needless to say, I will not be returning to this store again. I may not be able to find my way out of there again.

I also got a chance to hook up with Jarod and Dave over break for some Halo2 over at Dave's House. I got to meet his girlfriend, who was nice, and hang out with the two of em. Matt came along as well, and we had some GREAT 4 player games. I love Halo2 :)

We got a ton of snow this past week, and Andrea was hoping that school would be cancelled.....but, no such luck. Alot of places cancelled, but Andrea's work refused. BOOOOOOOO!

Other than all of that, not a lot has been going on. I will probably play some Battlefield Vietnam today, I just installed it last night again, and some Halo2 with Jarod this afternoon.

Until next time....I'm outta here.
