Sunday, January 23, 2005

Back to Work

Well, I am officially working again. From now until May something, I will be working on Sundays from 3-5pm, then from 6-10pm. WHEEEEE!! There is just something about working a 4 hour shift in a computer sucks! I'll manage though, because this is the one job that lets me do basically anything I want within reason. So, tonight, I will probably be looking up lesson plan ideas for the next 7 weeks of teaching K-5th grade.

This weekend, I started the insane project of cataloging all of my comic books. I loaded up Access and created a database. Then I created a form that I can just input all the vital data into, and it is then sent over to the database. It is pretty slick, and I should have done this a while ago. I am putting in such important data as, the publisher, the title, the cover price, the artist and the writer. This will be nice when I am looking for a specific comic and then, unknowingly, but it when I already have it. I plan on cataloging all of my comic Scans as well. I figured I have around 550 comics. I'm about through 60 so far. I'm having fun though.

I watched Alien vs Predator yesterday. was kinda bad. Not that I expected much from it, but, hey, I'm the guy who went into XXX hoping for more than Vin Deisel throwing one liners at the screen and blowing things up without his shirt on.

The latest LOST episode was pretty good. I think we have learned about everyone's background so far. Everyone except for Hurley. We also got to see another huge CGI polar bear. Good times were had.

This next week of teaching is a full week of justice. No Monday off or anything :(
And with that...I'm gonna sign off until the next post. Andrea is making a rock-tastic dinner tonight of ham, baked potatoes and salad....and I'm gonna take off and go eat it...before I go back to work at 6. Oh , that reminds me, I don't get to see the SuperBowl either. >:O That angers me a bit, but I'll survive.

-Dan out-


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