Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Yes yes is going ok. What with a subject heading like, "WOHOOOOO!" you'd think that something great had just happened. Well it has kinda. First off, we have been waiting for our $#%! insurance card for the better part of a month now. 3 weeks is a long time to go without insurance for a car. We held off driving it for a week or so, the agent promised the card would be there by the end of the week. Friday, nothin, Saturday, nothin, Sunday....well, you get the picture. I called him back on Monday and was all ">:o". He was like, oh, there was a hang up, you'll get it this week for sure. The policy has gone active though, so you're covered as we speak. So again, waiting, waiting...nothing. I call him back again the following Monday, having already been driving the car, I have to be in Rockford every day, and Andrea is I we HAVE to drive that other car. So when I call him, he's "busy" but I leave a message and wait a call back. Nothing comes that day from him. I go to school the next day, do my thing, get done and start driving home. My phone starts beeping with "new message". I check it, it's our insurance guy ... again! " Another small hang up, but, you should have it in a few days....AGAIN! Sooo.....then, like five days later, i check the mail, like I have been doing EVERY DAY for a $%#!ing month...and what do my little eyes behold....but a nice little envelope all covered in gold! Actually, it was covered in white and green, but FINALLY, we have the insurance card for the Saturn. Then....after I open it, i notice that it says, "policy active on January 27th at 12:01am. >:O WTF!!!!!
So it wasn't active this entire time. Been driving without insurance. I hate large corporations...and the way the do...or don't do things.

If ya made it through all that....congrads. My check from Northern came today too. Soooooo, rent is paid till May now. Thank goodness for financial aid baby.

I am slowly taking over my cooperating teacher's classes. It is a little hard figuring out lesson plans quickly, but hey, I suppose it is good practice. I am teaching two classes tomorrow, and three on Friday. WHEEEEEE! Hope it all goes smoothly.

So I get to work tonight, and there are ladders and wires all over, hanging from the ceilings and what not. The covers are off all the florescent lights...and all kinds of piping and bulbs laying all over. This place looks like a construction zone. The lab is STILL not 24/7 which makes people angry, because instead of being 24/7 it's now....uh, 2/7...haha. I kid you not, the lab is open between 2 or 4 hours everyday, until they fix this thing up so it can function as a 24/7 attendant-less lab. Oh, and the printers are down again. WHEEEE!!! So I put some signs up saying, "Printer DOWN, sorry". And this is what people had to say about this.

" that sign true?" reply, "nope, it's a conspiracy, set to prevent you from printing.....muahahahahaha"

"Why can't I print" reply, "the same reason no one else can....i don't like you"

"I just hit print on ALL of my stuff, and none of it showed up" reply, "the printers are down....i put a sign up about it" their reply, "so when will this lab actually be useful" reply, "as soon as you leave....sometime after that"

"I don't have power can I print a powerpoint in my room, if I don't have it?" reply, "just unplug one of these computers and carry it upstairs. I won't stop you...dont' worry. As a matter of fact, if you wait till 9, I'll help you carry it."

Anyway, all kinds of questions like that were asked of me, to the point where, I decided to put up 2 more signs. Now the doorway looks like this.

X = sign

In order to walk in the lab now, you physically bump into the signs. People brush past them, and walk up, "so, are the printers working tonight." I'm currently searching for some sort of blunt object to end my suffering. But, since I cant' find one, I decided to update my Blog instead.

Hope ya enjoyed it....if ya don't hear from me for a few weeks, it's because I found that blunt object....and am in a better place.

-Dan out-


At 2:37 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Geez man, I know what you mean. People are oblivious to all signage. I don't know why they even put up speed limit signs!

Anyway, what large corporation do you have your insurance through?

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Dan said...

WHEEEEE is the friggin best word EVER!


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