Monday, January 10, 2005

One week left

There is one week left until my last semester of college begins. This should prove to be an interesting one, simply because I will not be taking conventional classes, but teaching grade school and jr. high conventional classes. Good times will undoubtedly be had in a great abundance!

Andrea and I got cell phones the other week, and so now, our old land line number is no longer relevant. If you do not have my new number, e-mail me, and I'll hook you up with it.

I've been calling the insurance guy a little bit lately trying to get the 2000 Saturn that we are buying off of Andrea's grandmother switched over to our account. WHEEEE, more bills. He should be calling me back any moment with some feedback on the status of the insurance card. I kinda need to use the car starting next Tuesday....hopefully it all goes through ok!

Today marks the beginning of the re-designing and re-vamping of my website. She needs a update, and I need to get all of my art work up as well as the other links that were or are going to be present on the site. That there site has been in a constant state of "under construction" for the past year.

I'm taking Suse....the white cat, to the vet tomorrow so maybe something can be done about this cold she has had for like 2 months. It is getting kinda old for us, and I"m sure it is already old for her.

I loaded up Battlefield: Vietnam the other day, and have been playing that quite a bit today. I love that game...and I should play it more often...and now I plan to.

World of Warcraft has been put on hold until maybe summer,....or later. I will have NO time to play that game, and poor little dwarf will die....haha, at the hands of Blizzard. Long live Congar!

WHEEEEE, the insurance will be here in a few days....and then that car can be driven. Actually, it can be driven right now I guess, since it went active on the 8th....but, we'll wait till we get that card, so we're officially legal while driving.

Well, Jarod just IM'ed me, with "HALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", so I must answer his call.

Until next time, I hope you enjoyed your complete waste of about 10 minutes.

-dan out-


At 12:52 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Now that you got your cellphone, you need to answer when I call, haha ;)


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