Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Well, I've been pretty busy lately, but I decided it was time to update the old blogger-do! First off, school has been keeping me pretty darn busy lately, and therefore kinda limits the time I can spare on updates. Some things come first, like the new maps on Halo, or the cats, or food, or reading books.....etc, sorry to say, but the blog kinda picks up the rear. I'm sitting at work here again, and have decided to update once again.

It hailed last night, which was interesting. Actually, it hailed like right around 6pm, or a little before....maybe closer to 5:30, but, they were little pea sized hail balls......but, still, cooled stuff down considerably.

I am not playing World of Warcraft anymore. Which makes me a little sad, cause that game was just so darn awesome.....perhaps I'll go back to it eventually.....cause it is a blast, but I'm kinda busy lately, and can't warrant keeping it going right now. So, I am playing through Knights of the Old Republic 2 right now. So far, this game is pretty fun, and offers a lot of the same gameplay that the original offered. AS a matter of fact, it feels almost EXACTLY like the first one. This is a good thing, though, and does not bother me in the least. I absolutely LOVED the first one, so I'm suspecting that this one will be loved just as much. I actually have it for XBOX, but the $%!# thing locks up my XBox at the main menu. So, I acquired it for PC and am now playing it that way. My PC is in great need of a trip out the 2nd story window, whereupon I go to BestBuy or something, and get a cheap butt one that will blow mine out of the water, and it'll have a nice WARRANTY!!! Until that happens though, I'll have to just "Blue Screen of Death" my way through the game. WHEEE!!!!

Had some RAWKIN crab legs last night for dinner. Man, I can't seem to get enough of those tasty little buggers! Gotta be one of my all time favorite foods.

Kevin is gonna bring some stuff down tonight while I work and give me some much needed company while I "work" tonight. That'll make the mundane routine of sitting here trying to figure out what to do for 2 hrs go a little quicker.

After tomorrow, there is only 2 weeks left of my Student teaching, and then POOF, gradiation!!!!! Which means I"m this much closer to bein back in the ol' QC....which is exciting. I'll definately miss my friends up here though, which is gonna suck, but I'm sure I'll see them, and definately be in touch with them over AIM and e-mails, and of course the ol' Blog Comments!!!! We have to go find a place to live comin up here in May....and hopefully it will be a place we can have animals....or we'll have to like sneak em in...haha, and hide them! WHEEE!!!!

Uhhhhh....anything else goin on.....I started watching this show called Eyes. So far it is a nice mix of comedy and lawness....haha, yes, I said lawness....and it IS a word....I think.

Anyway, that's it for now...until next time, go hug a tree near you.....even trees need love!!!

-Dan out-

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Just WRONG!!!

Am I the only one, or is this just wrong?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

And another SUNDAY of SUCKINESS goes by!


Salem's Lot - Stephen King
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

Well, as always, this SUNDAY sucked. It is just hard to really fully "relax" one last time before you start the next week of busy-ness when Sunday always winds up being the most hectic day of the entire weekend. Andrea and I drove all over today running errands, getting groceries, picking up the house, then I go to work, then I come home eat, and go back to work, to just come home and go to bed. Grrrr...Sundays SUCK!

Enough of that though...yesterday was pretty fun. We went to my niece Abbey's first communion over in McHenry. After that was over, we drove to my brother-in-law Greg's house and hung out all afternoon. At one point, a bunch of the guys hanging out there, friends of Greg's, my other brother-in-law and father-in-law decided to play some Texas Holdem. My mother in law Gail also hopped in to play as well as Andrea's grandma Peggy. Well, I am not really that good at that game, but I love playing card games, so I put in my $5 to play and sat down...fully expecting to do I always do in Poker. Greg got out first....then Peggy,...and more and more kept dropping...but, I kept almost going out, then winning a HUGE hand to pull me back in to the game. It got down to two people...myself and a friend of Greg's. I already knew I had my money back plus another $5 for 2nd when he went all in with something...I decided to as well...having a pretty good hand myself. One thing you'll notice about me though if you ever play with that I almost NEVER bluff. If I don't have anything, I will fold quick. But, this time, I had a good feeling about it...and it paid off. I managed to WIN!!! 30$ baby...haha, which was an amazing feat...since I am not that great at poker to begin with.

Then we all hung out a while longer and after a nother quick game of Poker, where I was like the 3rd out, we took off for DeKalb again. Doug and Kim, Andrea's brother and his wife drove with us along with my nephew Dalton...because there wasn't to much room to sleep at Greg's house. We put em up on the futon...and then after a late night discussion about the Dark Tower series by Stephen King with Doug, crashed about 12:30am. We woke up, Andrea made a rawkin' breakfast of sausage egg and chese biscuit sandwichs....and they took off for the ol' QC. Then we went out shopping.....and well, I already explained what happened today.

Andrea has a interview for a possible summer job she's driving back to the Quad Cities for that interview...and taking the "good" car with her. So I get ol' Bessy ( 1995 Chrysler LeBaron Convert ) to Schaumburg tomorrow. ...I'm ready to have my own room to teach out of.

Other than all of that, I picked up the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams was 25% off books for educators day at Borders and Andrea had her paystub with her so...I finaggled that book for pretty cheap. I also started Salem's Lot by Stephen King as far so good. The Talisman is finally over....and so I'm moving on to other Stephen King novels of justice. He's a friggin good Author. I'm not sure where I've been in reference to his books...but, I'm glad I found them now!

Alas, I gotta jet. This week will be fairly hectic, and I can't wait to get it over with. Probably talk to you next weekend when I'm working late again on a mysterious Sunday NIGHT of justice!

Until then...

Take it easy

-Dan out-

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Car Accidents = SuWEEEETNESS!!!!

So last night, we were hanging with my parents, haha, and Matt sent me a text message wondering what Andrea and I were up to. I sent him one back telling him to come over so we could all go over to my bro-in-law Doug's house and hang out. He agreed and came over. We decided on our way over to Doug's house to swing by Whitey's and pick up some'd been a while since we'd snagged some and thought we were due. We waited in this line forever, and finally got through it and hopped in our cars to leave. I turned out onto 18th Avenue in Rock Island and stopped at the light. We were sitting there for like 20 seconds, Matt was stopped right behind us....when I hear this screeching sound really loud...I looked over at Andrea and was like....hmm...what was that sound...and then our car lurched ahead about 5 feet. Matt was now a little closer than he had been. Touching our bumper as a matter a fact. Our necks hurt, and we were like, "WT heck was that?"

Upon getting out of our car, we saw that Matt had also been hit, and that person had been hit as well. There was this crazy pile up of cars literally bumper to bumper. The last car in the row, the evil crasher had a completely busted up front end of his mini-van, and his air bags had been deployed. Apparantly, he hit the guy behind Matt who hit Matt, who hit us. So, I called the police and they came ambulance though...which is odd, since they didn't ask me if anyone was hurt, and knowing it was a 4 car accident....but, whatever, no one was to hurt. Our necks hurt quite a bit...and some upper back pain...but, we'll manage I suppose. Luckily, our car and Matt's car were relatively un-harmed. A minor scratch on ours, and a few scratchs on Matt's. The other two had some damage though...and that mini-van is probably undrivable now, what with the transmission fluid spraying everywhere...haha. Andrea was a little upset about the whole thing, and rightly so, but we were all OK and we'll all survive. It's kinda freaky getting hit by another car....even if it was Matt who did it....haha...sorta. ;)

So that was our rocktastic night of justice. Billy was in town, and wanted Matt and I to meet him over at Leasure Time in E.M., but I was exhausted, and my neck I declined...although I think Matt still went over. Sorry Billy! :(
I'll see ya this week when ya come up on Thurs and probably Friday as well.

Sunday, today, Andrea, myself, and her parents all went on a 15 mile bikeride. Good times were had with that, except that now I am pretty tired. So, trying not to drool on the keyboard here at work, I decided to update my blog in a pitiful attempt to stay awake. Gameboy seemed to put me to sleep, so let's hope this works.

I still haven't heard from my advisor....and that is a little odd, since I e-mailed him on Monday night ... about when he wanted to come out to observe me teaching, but, he's a busy guy I suppose.

I have 4 more hours of work coming up as well, which is always a ROCKING time! 6-10 baby...then get up at 4:45am on Monday...wheeeee!!!!!

I talked to Chadwick a few times this weekend when I remotely connected into my computer back in DeKalb from home. He's looking for a decent baseball game for the GBA and hopefully he finds one. GBA has been a real life saver at times....especially when you're sitting there passing the time at work or have fifteen or twenty minutes to blow and don't know what to do.

FIVE WEEKS!!!! until THAT is exciting. Speaking of which, we're still looking for a place to move into come June, and have not found one yet. We're looking at maybe renting a house or something in Geneseo or the surrounding area so I am close to my job in Annawan. Most of the places though, are all, "NO PETS" which sucks, so it should be interesting to find a place that we can start renting in June AND allows pets!

Other than that, not much is going on. I passed my Assessment of Professional Teachers test....which means barring my finishing Student teaching with a high grade, which I know I will, graduation is imminent.

Until next time ladies,

Take it easy

-Dan out-

Monday, April 04, 2005

Screw N.C.

It seems like whatever team I want to win a sports game....always loses...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Week of Laziness is over!


The week of "laziness" has officially ended and the next 6 weeks of BUSY-NESS has begun! But, come to think of it....SIX weeks really isn't to long at all! In six weeks time, I will be all kinds of graduated, and chillin' with my wife....not having to go to work for Restech again...and...probably watching some TV completely content! I just have to get the job done for these next weeks and my graduation will be at hand...and the beginning of a hopefully better part of my life...the working kind!

This week has been pretty good. It got a little boring at times, but then I'd hunt down one of the cats and disturb their lazy sleeping habit...and all would be well again.

Andrea and I went out to visit my sister's and hang out with the kids and her husband, Brian. That was pretty fun. It's always nice to get away from DeKalb. Speaking of getting away from DeKalb, Andrea and I will probably be going home this next weekend to look for some sort of apartment like living area that we can move into come June 20th. We decided that a apartment would be a much better idea initially, until we get some actual cash flow from our jobs to put into an actual house. I am counting down the days until we can buy our own place!

There have been a few updates to WOW this past week and one of the most interesting additions they put into the game was these little "bubbles" above the head of someone when they are talking out loud to someone. This is MUCH easier when you have a TON of people talking aall at once and it is almost impossible to sort through all the text to figure out who is saying what and when and why. Another thing that was JUST added is this VERY strange CHINESE food order thing that you can access in game. Check it out. It is very strange...and begs the question....uh, "why"!

It is simply GORGEOUS out today and should be the rest of the week. It is always easier to be in a good mood when the weather is nice out. So, this week should be a GREAT week of moods because mid 60's weather is expected all week.

Andrea and I made Pizza last night...home-made! Mark came over to partake in the food and watch Illini whoop up on Louisville!!! The pizza was pretty good, but I think we'll use a little less meat next time. :-D

I got these new DVD-R discs...that burn at 8x. However, my DRIVE, the NEC ND-1300A, is only able to burn them at 2x! If i burn them at say 4x, like I usually burn every gives me a "power management" error. Or something like that. Very odd, and annoying!

I'll manage though.

Besides that, I don't have to much to talk about. Until next time, take it easy.

-Dan out-