Sunday, April 03, 2005

Week of Laziness is over!


The week of "laziness" has officially ended and the next 6 weeks of BUSY-NESS has begun! But, come to think of it....SIX weeks really isn't to long at all! In six weeks time, I will be all kinds of graduated, and chillin' with my wife....not having to go to work for Restech again...and...probably watching some TV completely content! I just have to get the job done for these next weeks and my graduation will be at hand...and the beginning of a hopefully better part of my life...the working kind!

This week has been pretty good. It got a little boring at times, but then I'd hunt down one of the cats and disturb their lazy sleeping habit...and all would be well again.

Andrea and I went out to visit my sister's and hang out with the kids and her husband, Brian. That was pretty fun. It's always nice to get away from DeKalb. Speaking of getting away from DeKalb, Andrea and I will probably be going home this next weekend to look for some sort of apartment like living area that we can move into come June 20th. We decided that a apartment would be a much better idea initially, until we get some actual cash flow from our jobs to put into an actual house. I am counting down the days until we can buy our own place!

There have been a few updates to WOW this past week and one of the most interesting additions they put into the game was these little "bubbles" above the head of someone when they are talking out loud to someone. This is MUCH easier when you have a TON of people talking aall at once and it is almost impossible to sort through all the text to figure out who is saying what and when and why. Another thing that was JUST added is this VERY strange CHINESE food order thing that you can access in game. Check it out. It is very strange...and begs the question....uh, "why"!

It is simply GORGEOUS out today and should be the rest of the week. It is always easier to be in a good mood when the weather is nice out. So, this week should be a GREAT week of moods because mid 60's weather is expected all week.

Andrea and I made Pizza last night...home-made! Mark came over to partake in the food and watch Illini whoop up on Louisville!!! The pizza was pretty good, but I think we'll use a little less meat next time. :-D

I got these new DVD-R discs...that burn at 8x. However, my DRIVE, the NEC ND-1300A, is only able to burn them at 2x! If i burn them at say 4x, like I usually burn every gives me a "power management" error. Or something like that. Very odd, and annoying!

I'll manage though.

Besides that, I don't have to much to talk about. Until next time, take it easy.

-Dan out-


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