Sunday, April 17, 2005

And another SUNDAY of SUCKINESS goes by!


Salem's Lot - Stephen King
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

Well, as always, this SUNDAY sucked. It is just hard to really fully "relax" one last time before you start the next week of busy-ness when Sunday always winds up being the most hectic day of the entire weekend. Andrea and I drove all over today running errands, getting groceries, picking up the house, then I go to work, then I come home eat, and go back to work, to just come home and go to bed. Grrrr...Sundays SUCK!

Enough of that though...yesterday was pretty fun. We went to my niece Abbey's first communion over in McHenry. After that was over, we drove to my brother-in-law Greg's house and hung out all afternoon. At one point, a bunch of the guys hanging out there, friends of Greg's, my other brother-in-law and father-in-law decided to play some Texas Holdem. My mother in law Gail also hopped in to play as well as Andrea's grandma Peggy. Well, I am not really that good at that game, but I love playing card games, so I put in my $5 to play and sat down...fully expecting to do I always do in Poker. Greg got out first....then Peggy,...and more and more kept dropping...but, I kept almost going out, then winning a HUGE hand to pull me back in to the game. It got down to two people...myself and a friend of Greg's. I already knew I had my money back plus another $5 for 2nd when he went all in with something...I decided to as well...having a pretty good hand myself. One thing you'll notice about me though if you ever play with that I almost NEVER bluff. If I don't have anything, I will fold quick. But, this time, I had a good feeling about it...and it paid off. I managed to WIN!!! 30$ baby...haha, which was an amazing feat...since I am not that great at poker to begin with.

Then we all hung out a while longer and after a nother quick game of Poker, where I was like the 3rd out, we took off for DeKalb again. Doug and Kim, Andrea's brother and his wife drove with us along with my nephew Dalton...because there wasn't to much room to sleep at Greg's house. We put em up on the futon...and then after a late night discussion about the Dark Tower series by Stephen King with Doug, crashed about 12:30am. We woke up, Andrea made a rawkin' breakfast of sausage egg and chese biscuit sandwichs....and they took off for the ol' QC. Then we went out shopping.....and well, I already explained what happened today.

Andrea has a interview for a possible summer job she's driving back to the Quad Cities for that interview...and taking the "good" car with her. So I get ol' Bessy ( 1995 Chrysler LeBaron Convert ) to Schaumburg tomorrow. ...I'm ready to have my own room to teach out of.

Other than all of that, I picked up the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams was 25% off books for educators day at Borders and Andrea had her paystub with her so...I finaggled that book for pretty cheap. I also started Salem's Lot by Stephen King as far so good. The Talisman is finally over....and so I'm moving on to other Stephen King novels of justice. He's a friggin good Author. I'm not sure where I've been in reference to his books...but, I'm glad I found them now!

Alas, I gotta jet. This week will be fairly hectic, and I can't wait to get it over with. Probably talk to you next weekend when I'm working late again on a mysterious Sunday NIGHT of justice!

Until then...

Take it easy

-Dan out-


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