Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Well, I've been pretty busy lately, but I decided it was time to update the old blogger-do! First off, school has been keeping me pretty darn busy lately, and therefore kinda limits the time I can spare on updates. Some things come first, like the new maps on Halo, or the cats, or food, or reading books.....etc, sorry to say, but the blog kinda picks up the rear. I'm sitting at work here again, and have decided to update once again.

It hailed last night, which was interesting. Actually, it hailed like right around 6pm, or a little before....maybe closer to 5:30, but, they were little pea sized hail balls......but, still, cooled stuff down considerably.

I am not playing World of Warcraft anymore. Which makes me a little sad, cause that game was just so darn awesome.....perhaps I'll go back to it eventually.....cause it is a blast, but I'm kinda busy lately, and can't warrant keeping it going right now. So, I am playing through Knights of the Old Republic 2 right now. So far, this game is pretty fun, and offers a lot of the same gameplay that the original offered. AS a matter of fact, it feels almost EXACTLY like the first one. This is a good thing, though, and does not bother me in the least. I absolutely LOVED the first one, so I'm suspecting that this one will be loved just as much. I actually have it for XBOX, but the $%!# thing locks up my XBox at the main menu. So, I acquired it for PC and am now playing it that way. My PC is in great need of a trip out the 2nd story window, whereupon I go to BestBuy or something, and get a cheap butt one that will blow mine out of the water, and it'll have a nice WARRANTY!!! Until that happens though, I'll have to just "Blue Screen of Death" my way through the game. WHEEE!!!!

Had some RAWKIN crab legs last night for dinner. Man, I can't seem to get enough of those tasty little buggers! Gotta be one of my all time favorite foods.

Kevin is gonna bring some stuff down tonight while I work and give me some much needed company while I "work" tonight. That'll make the mundane routine of sitting here trying to figure out what to do for 2 hrs go a little quicker.

After tomorrow, there is only 2 weeks left of my Student teaching, and then POOF, gradiation!!!!! Which means I"m this much closer to bein back in the ol' QC....which is exciting. I'll definately miss my friends up here though, which is gonna suck, but I'm sure I'll see them, and definately be in touch with them over AIM and e-mails, and of course the ol' Blog Comments!!!! We have to go find a place to live comin up here in May....and hopefully it will be a place we can have animals....or we'll have to like sneak em in...haha, and hide them! WHEEE!!!!

Uhhhhh....anything else goin on.....I started watching this show called Eyes. So far it is a nice mix of comedy and lawness....haha, yes, I said lawness....and it IS a word....I think.

Anyway, that's it for now...until next time, go hug a tree near you.....even trees need love!!!

-Dan out-


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