Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yeah for POKER!

The week is almost half over, and let me tell ya, I’m ready for the weekend again…haha.  Not that this week has been very difficult or anything, but, it is just turning out to be one of those weeks where little things happen all day that annoy me.  Ah well, Doug, Kim and the kids are coming over tonite, so that should be fun.

Andrea is feeling great lately, not to sick anymore and seems to have a little more energy.  She felt the baby move a few times, although it’ll be a while before I get to feel that same thing, but, that is kinda cool none the less.

Poker is tomorrow, and Doug has a special new thing that supposedly will help him win or make us lose…whichever works better.  I know what it is, but have been sworn to secrecy so I can’t reveal what it is at this time.  I have this feeling that the game of poker that we originally started is beginning to get a little out of hand.  More and more people show up each week, and it is seeming lately that the people who show up now are people that we don’t even know.  I loved having two separate games each night, cause it gave people another chance to win back their money.  These stupid one game nights piss me off, and irritate me.  Not sure what to do about it though :(

Besides all of that, it has been a pretty uneventful week so far.  Kind of boring which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  I’ve been watching X-Files lately during my lunch break, and that is kinda fun.  I love that show and I am slowly making my way through the season 2.  

Other than that, 24 RULES…..and is getting better and better…..mainly cause Jack Bauer’s body count is rising with each new episode!

-Dan out-

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Another Week in the Life of Dan

This week was a semi-short one because we had Monday off.  It always seems though, that the shorter the week in reality, the longer it goes in my mind.  This week seems to be just draaaaaagging!   The other week, we got to hear our baby’s heartbeat though…which is pretty sweet.  It’s weird though…ya know, this whole having a kid thing, yet strangely exciting as well!

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft again lately.  There is just something about that game…and I will probably always hop on and play as long as that game is around.  I’ve also been playing some Battlefield 2: Modern Combat for Xbox…which I have to say…is pretty sweet, definitely worth checking out!  It’s a team based game where you work to accomplish an objective…a lot like Star Wars Battlefront.  

I finally got all my grading done for school.  Monday was a grading marathon from about 9:30am to 5pm….but, it all got done.  Whew….let the new semester’s procrastinating begin baby!

I watched the premiere of 24 on Monday and the taped part from Sunday, and boy oh boy…this show rocks.  There is just something about Keifer Sutherland and his bad ace ways!  I’m very excited about this show and can’t wait till next week.

Went to my old high school’s musical last night which was pretty good.  Got to see some friends from high school as well as a few old teachers…which is always cool.

Besides that, not a whole lot has been going on.  Still getting used to my camera and trying to learn all I can about it.  I feel this will be a life long process though…but that will be kind of fun.  I am hoping to get a section up over at www.hakesdesign.com with some of the photos that I’ve taken so far.  I’m coming along with my photo taking skills…but like I posted earlier….not sure how much of that is skill and how much of that is luck.

-Dan out-

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So, I’ve been thinking a bit about what the problem with photography.  As I see it, photography is a sort of communal art form….because really anyone can succeed at it.  Yeah, there are always certain techniques and skills that can be called upon when choosing your subject matter, film, camera, lighting or a number of other variables…but really, it comes down to did the picture turn out aesthetically pleasing?  I’ve seen so many snap shots that have been more successful than any number of “setup” shots.  Because of this, it seems that everyone is a photographer.  My niece who is still in grade school has taken some brilliant shots before.  Now, granted, the majority of her shots do not turn out so good, but just the fact that she has had successful shots at her age makes me wonder how many pictures have been thrown out over the ages that might have made it into a museum or art exhibit or magazine.  I don’t think the skill in photography is the taking of pictures or even the preparation….I think the skill in photography is knowing when you have a good picture after receiving your developed film or going over your digital images as you take them from your flash card.  Therein lies the skill.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Well, in case anyone was wondering, or hadn't heard....we are expecting a Dan Jr. come July of 2006. We're way to excited about this, and will gladly talk your ear off about it given the chance. Hopefully this kid is nothing like me because we all know another Dan in this world is definately NOT what is needed...haha!

-dan out-

Happy New Yizzear!

Well, 2006 is now upon us....and I have little to show for it as of 11:03pm. I played a LOT of Counter-Strike Source up to the ball dropping, and quite a bit after it as well. Today, I grabbed some brunch, got a three new fish for my fish tank, and lost a really quick game of Lord of the Rings RISK to my brother-in-law. So far, this year is going GREAT....haha!

No, it was fun hanging out with Andrea last night. We don't seem to do that much anymore. Andrea made some really awesome soup, Zupa Tuscana....and we did the breadstick thing and watched a movie. She's really tired lately, so she crashed early.

This break has been pretty fun. Played a LOT of poker and only won once....thanks to Matt's three wins or something. We also played out at Billy's place some horrible loud music....mmm, good times.

Come this Friday, we get to listen to the baby's (so eloquently named 'marshmellow' by my neice) heartbeat, so that is REALLY exciting! It will make it feel pretty real or so I've heard.

I go back to work on the 3rd. So this is my last hurrah of late night-ed-ness for a while. Going to be busy busy for the next two weeks or so while I get finished with this semester and do the grades thing again...WHEEE!

I'm still reading the Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks. Great book, and well worth the read!

I have been playing F.E.A.R. lately and it is quite addicting. I wasn't able to run it until I through in my different video card, the ati radeon x850, since my 9800 all up and died on me. Basically it looked like THIS whenever I played a game for an extended period of time. Also sometimes, the entire screen would turn into a kaleidoscope looking pattern....which made me have to reboot. If I find the picture I took of that, I'll throw it up here to prove my point further. Needless to say, this other card seems to be doing the trick MUCH better.

Counter-Strike Source has also been a slight addiction of mine as of late...truly great game and perhaps even better than the original CS we all played in college for hours and hours at a time.

Well, I've rambled on long enough. Hope your New Years was fun everyone and I hope this year is even better than last year...I know mine will be!

-Dan out-