Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Yizzear!

Well, 2006 is now upon us....and I have little to show for it as of 11:03pm. I played a LOT of Counter-Strike Source up to the ball dropping, and quite a bit after it as well. Today, I grabbed some brunch, got a three new fish for my fish tank, and lost a really quick game of Lord of the Rings RISK to my brother-in-law. So far, this year is going GREAT....haha!

No, it was fun hanging out with Andrea last night. We don't seem to do that much anymore. Andrea made some really awesome soup, Zupa Tuscana....and we did the breadstick thing and watched a movie. She's really tired lately, so she crashed early.

This break has been pretty fun. Played a LOT of poker and only won once....thanks to Matt's three wins or something. We also played out at Billy's place some horrible loud music....mmm, good times.

Come this Friday, we get to listen to the baby's (so eloquently named 'marshmellow' by my neice) heartbeat, so that is REALLY exciting! It will make it feel pretty real or so I've heard.

I go back to work on the 3rd. So this is my last hurrah of late night-ed-ness for a while. Going to be busy busy for the next two weeks or so while I get finished with this semester and do the grades thing again...WHEEE!

I'm still reading the Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks. Great book, and well worth the read!

I have been playing F.E.A.R. lately and it is quite addicting. I wasn't able to run it until I through in my different video card, the ati radeon x850, since my 9800 all up and died on me. Basically it looked like THIS whenever I played a game for an extended period of time. Also sometimes, the entire screen would turn into a kaleidoscope looking pattern....which made me have to reboot. If I find the picture I took of that, I'll throw it up here to prove my point further. Needless to say, this other card seems to be doing the trick MUCH better.

Counter-Strike Source has also been a slight addiction of mine as of late...truly great game and perhaps even better than the original CS we all played in college for hours and hours at a time.

Well, I've rambled on long enough. Hope your New Years was fun everyone and I hope this year is even better than last year...I know mine will be!

-Dan out-


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