Thursday, January 19, 2006

Another Week in the Life of Dan

This week was a semi-short one because we had Monday off.  It always seems though, that the shorter the week in reality, the longer it goes in my mind.  This week seems to be just draaaaaagging!   The other week, we got to hear our baby’s heartbeat though…which is pretty sweet.  It’s weird though…ya know, this whole having a kid thing, yet strangely exciting as well!

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft again lately.  There is just something about that game…and I will probably always hop on and play as long as that game is around.  I’ve also been playing some Battlefield 2: Modern Combat for Xbox…which I have to say…is pretty sweet, definitely worth checking out!  It’s a team based game where you work to accomplish an objective…a lot like Star Wars Battlefront.  

I finally got all my grading done for school.  Monday was a grading marathon from about 9:30am to 5pm….but, it all got done.  Whew….let the new semester’s procrastinating begin baby!

I watched the premiere of 24 on Monday and the taped part from Sunday, and boy oh boy…this show rocks.  There is just something about Keifer Sutherland and his bad ace ways!  I’m very excited about this show and can’t wait till next week.

Went to my old high school’s musical last night which was pretty good.  Got to see some friends from high school as well as a few old teachers…which is always cool.

Besides that, not a whole lot has been going on.  Still getting used to my camera and trying to learn all I can about it.  I feel this will be a life long process though…but that will be kind of fun.  I am hoping to get a section up over at with some of the photos that I’ve taken so far.  I’m coming along with my photo taking skills…but like I posted earlier….not sure how much of that is skill and how much of that is luck.

-Dan out-


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