Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yeah for POKER!

The week is almost half over, and let me tell ya, I’m ready for the weekend again…haha.  Not that this week has been very difficult or anything, but, it is just turning out to be one of those weeks where little things happen all day that annoy me.  Ah well, Doug, Kim and the kids are coming over tonite, so that should be fun.

Andrea is feeling great lately, not to sick anymore and seems to have a little more energy.  She felt the baby move a few times, although it’ll be a while before I get to feel that same thing, but, that is kinda cool none the less.

Poker is tomorrow, and Doug has a special new thing that supposedly will help him win or make us lose…whichever works better.  I know what it is, but have been sworn to secrecy so I can’t reveal what it is at this time.  I have this feeling that the game of poker that we originally started is beginning to get a little out of hand.  More and more people show up each week, and it is seeming lately that the people who show up now are people that we don’t even know.  I loved having two separate games each night, cause it gave people another chance to win back their money.  These stupid one game nights piss me off, and irritate me.  Not sure what to do about it though :(

Besides all of that, it has been a pretty uneventful week so far.  Kind of boring which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  I’ve been watching X-Files lately during my lunch break, and that is kinda fun.  I love that show and I am slowly making my way through the season 2.  

Other than that, 24 RULES…..and is getting better and better…..mainly cause Jack Bauer’s body count is rising with each new episode!

-Dan out-


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