I've been wondering just how many people really read this thing. I mean, I know that my buddy Mark does, and I know that Andrea does, but other than that....who knows. Well, here's to you Andrea and Mark, thanks for reading and I'll do my best to keep you entertained! Also, thanks Lindsay....I heard you read it as well!
My Halo2 days have been DRASTICALLY diminished! I'll manage, although I'll be thinking about how good it feels to snag dual SMG's and unload the entire clip into an opponent's body armor! I had typed a much more gruesome description as to what occurs when I have those dual SMG's in my hands, but I thought i'd spare you the details!
Still keeping up on all my shows......thanks to Efnet and their abilities. I simply hope that everything stays as it is now until June 15th! I have faith that it will.
So I'm sitting at work, "working", and there is this like ENORMOUS line waiting to use the print queue station....it's a little ridiculous. I think it will be amusing when I go, "the lab will be closing in 20 minutes" and everyone looks at their watches and see that it is 9pm. I'm hoping that everyone will be all pissed at me....like i decided to only have the lab open 4 hrs a day!
Hmmmmm, what else is going on...still don't have the car insurance card. In theory, it is active....but, we still do not have the stupid card to put in the car. I am driving it though....because I HAVE to! I called our agent today, and left a message for him to call me, although I'm not to sure what it is that he can do.
So I looked over at teh print queue station, and the screen currently has like at LEAST 50 print jobs pending sitting there. People are RIDICULOUS when it comes to print-outs!
That sucks that Chad might be leaving and going to work at John Deere. Not because he will then have money, and be able to rest easy again, but, because A: He's not gonna be around.....which isn't to horrible, since I don't have alot of time to really do anything with anyone as it is....and B: Mark will be left all alone in his humble little apartment. What will Mark do with himself.....well, I'll leave that up to everyone's imagination...hehe, (good ol' mark-o).
24 is getting kinda good. I am enjoying it thus far and will finish this season...like I always do, because I am a sucker...and I get sucked into these sucking grounds of TV shows. This show could be the biggest pile of crap EVER, and I would most likely not even notice. I'm lost in the world of 24, and no amount of crapiness will push me away...except if Kim gets kidnapped again...if that happens...I'M OUT!!
Snagged the new Astonishing X-Men by Whedon and Cassaday, and it wasn't to bad. Some kid holds the key to the whole mutant "problem" and these aliens that are trying to annihilate earth.....and well, he just killed himself.
Other than all of that stuff, not a heck of a lot is going on. Played some X-Men Legends with Mark and Chad the other weekend, and that was quite the blast. Better than that though....was when we busted out Burnout:3. This game always sucks me in whenever I play it. There is just something about driving someone into the wall at 160mph upon which, you fly by them with Motion City Soundtrack blasting out of your half totalled car. WHEEEEE!!!
Tonight, Andrea made this like Chicken and Biscuits thing out of a box. It was pretty darn good, and I could see myself wanting to eat this again sometime. Never let it be said, that you can't eat in half an hour out of a box, and have it be good.
I'm not sure who has said that, but whoever they are, let it be known that they are WRONG!
And with that scrap of wisdom....I'm outta here. My job is calling me back...er, is it my gameboy...i'm not sure. Let me go see.
Yes, I know what you're all thinking: "What will Mark do by himself in his apartment?" And the answer is exactly what you're all thinking...
...I will sit around and play video games ;-)
I read this beast!
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