Thursday, October 28, 2004

Been busy lately.....

Well, these past few weeks have kept me pretty darn busy. I have been writing lesson plans like a mofo, writing papers, working on projects, studying for tests, and going to conferences with various teachers all while trying to get sleep and work. Needless to say, this is the first true down time I have had since the California trip! I'm surviving quite well though, and somehow am keeping on top of things relatively speaking. About a month and a half left of this semester and I'm through with classes, FOREVER! Well, at least until I decide to do some sort of master's thing...whereupon I'll be back in class. Hopefully by then, I'll have learned how to not procrastinate everything to the last possible minute before it is due....but probably not. In and out of school work and regular work, I have managed to get a few rounds of HALO in, which has helped relieve some stress. Never underestimate the power of a little HALO. Speaking of HALO, Halo2 comes out in little over a week. That will certainly be fun over Winter Break!

HAHAHA, Chad just sent me something really hilarious....but, I don't think it would be appropriate for this. Ask him about it, and he'll send you the link.....or ask me about it and I may or may not send you the link....depending on if it is your type of humor...haha.

I started reading the Ultimate X-Men comics I haven't read yet, and realized that this series is pretty darn good. I should have given it a better chance when I first started reading it. Ah well, I can catch up now. I guess there isn't really to much to say right now, I'm gonna go read.

-Dan out-

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Workin, workin, workin!

Back a-workin again. Gotta love work. Without work, you wouldn't be able to pay for stuff. IF you didn't pay for stuff, you'd die, which would then make it hard to pay for stuff that would be pointless if you died....thus making it hard for you to pa....ok, I think I'm stuck in a loop here.

Punisher SUCKED! The new one is the one I am referring to, although the first one blew too back in the 80's. That was the first "R" rated movie I ever saw. I was over at my long time buddy Jarod's house and not knowing what the "F" word meant at that point, made it so that I was not embarrassed when I heard it about fifty times. We were probably playing G.I. Joes at the time anyway. Back to the point though. This movie was just completely horrible. I have only seen Rebecca Romijn in two movies where she was a good actress, X-men 1 and X-men 2. She needs to cease doing movies outside of the X-Men genre and concentrate on what she is good at....being blue and shape-shifting-ish. The guy who played Punisher was also horrible. Every line he said was so friggin serious sounding, that it made his character seem so lame. It was like having Terminator try to show emotion....doesn't work to well.

The Sopranos though is still rocking. I'm almost done with Season 2 and I'm lovin it still. Yeah yeah's a soap bite me!

I gotta get back to my Book now, so I'll let you sit and ponder about some of the profound things I have mentioned in this post. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Tuesday of JUSTICE!

Well, today is indeed a Tuesday of JUSTICE. AHHHHHHHHHHH, COPPER!!!!!!! Ok, he left, so anyway.....I have a nice big fatty test at 11am this morning, and here's hoping that I pass it! She told us it would be moderate to HARD! I hate tests, and never do very well on them. If it was a paper, I could sit there and mill over it for a few days, but tests, (sigh) I do not usually do well on. But hey, maybe this one will be different.

I sent out my second "LINKS FOR THE WEEK of" e-mail to all the guys. If for some reason you are reading this and did NOT get the e-mail, leave me a comment, and I'll put you on the list. There is a nice wide range of different links today. Hope everyone hates it!

I have to take this 1 hr ethics quiz for work that is mandatory for all employees of the State of THAT should be fun! Other than that, not a lot is going on. Andrea and I got back from California just fine, and managed to pull into good ol' DeKalb around 11:10pm on Sunday nite. We were tired, and to be honest, still are tired. Anyway, I have to go study for this test....2 hrs to go's hopin'.


Friday, October 15, 2004

In California

Well, I'm sitting here in the hotel, TollHouse Hotel, in California. So far, this place is pretty sweet. We walked down town and checked out some shops in this lil quaint town where Andrea's cousin's wedding is, and it's definately a nice little mountain town. On the flight out, we flew over, or by to be more specific, AREA 51, which was cool. The pilot pointed it out to us. Just stepped out of the rehearsal dinner for a bit to put up a post. Tomorrow we are gonna check out this town some more and maybe check out the beach before the wedding at 4:30pm. Then it's off to the reception till who knows when. Should be a good time.

Fly out of here on Sunday morning and hopefully get back to good ol' DeKalb by 11pm Sunday nite. Here's hoping that all of that goes well.

So yeah, I forgot that I had 4 pairs of scissors in my book bag when I was packing for this weekend, so they all got confiscated by security...after they laughed at me for having four pairs of scissors in there...haha.

Well, I had better get back in there and snag some more free beverages!!

-Dan out-

Thursday, October 14, 2004


ahhhh, the things I can do while at my job....haha!

Another Thursday at Work

Well, it is another wonderful Thursday sitting in Neptune Computer lab. As often as I sit here, there is never anything truly entertaining that happens. Luckily, I have a nice new computer to work on whenever I'm working in Neptune. The enabled the USB drives this year, at least in a few labs, so I am able to snag things off the net faster than at home. Yes, it's true, Broadband is a thing of the past this school year. It was a nice run, but that money can be used for more important things like food, bills and buying a car for me to drive to student teaching all next semester.

Tonight, Andrea and I are driving home to the QC for one night. Tomorrow morning, we fly out of the Moline Airport to San Francisco! Andrea's cousin is getting married, and since she came to our wedding, it is only fair that we go to hers. It'll be nice to get away from dreary DeKalb today, since this is what it looks like right now. To bad we're only out there for two days.

Well, I went over and hung out with Mark, Bill and Chad last night after I got off work. We played some X-Box and then watched some 24 goodness. Good times were had. Billy is leaving on Saturday, and since I won't be around after today, I said "take it easy" to him last night. It still blows that he is leaving :( but I'm willing to bet he isn't to enthused about it either. Anyway, enough talking about that, to much of that talk bums me out...haha.

I printed out the Fable strategy guide from Gamespot last night. This game is alot of fun, as I've said before and I wanted to figure out a few things such as how the heck do you get into any of those Demon doors. I've only managed to get into one of them so far, and I have passed a TON of them. One of these doors, told me that in order for me to be able to enter, I had to perform a truly evil act in front of the door. Sooo, the guy who I was currently helping, and happened to be standing right next to me, was a good person to use to show this demon door that I am the one evil mutha! I cut this guys head off right in front of this door. I then talked to him again, and apparantly, that was not EVIL enough for his liking. I am creating a new plan to be even more evil next time in hopes that this Demon of "only evil people can enter the door" will let me in.

Other than that, I manged to fix the Doom3 trouble I was having. Apparantly, Athlon XP chips do NOT like cheap ram. I had some K-Byte ram in there and well, it was cheap, and it is cheap apparantly, because my processor did not like that ram. I threw in my old PC2100 ram, and poof, Doom3 ran GREAT! Hopefully Rome Total War will also allow me to play it without the every 10 minute crash to desktop I have been experiencing. Now if I can only get Outlook working right. . .

Well, that is about all I have to say for right now. I'll get back to the ol' workin thing I got goin on around here. Talk to ya on Monday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

New, Easier Blogging

Well, as most of you know, I tried creating my blog on my main page for just to see if it worked. Now, it worked just fine, but I couldn't get comments, I couldn't update very easily, and just was not that user friendly. Having to sift through code to update my site every few days was such a hassle, it almost made me not want to update it that often. Well, I was just over at my friend Mark's BLOG and realized that his site blog is sooooo simple to update. Well, I decided to give up for a while and just use one of these crazy template things. Once I figure out how to allow for comments, and all kinds of other fun things that have absolutely no purpose whatsoever, I will go back to my main page. Until then, this is the new blog page.

