Thursday, October 14, 2004

Another Thursday at Work

Well, it is another wonderful Thursday sitting in Neptune Computer lab. As often as I sit here, there is never anything truly entertaining that happens. Luckily, I have a nice new computer to work on whenever I'm working in Neptune. The enabled the USB drives this year, at least in a few labs, so I am able to snag things off the net faster than at home. Yes, it's true, Broadband is a thing of the past this school year. It was a nice run, but that money can be used for more important things like food, bills and buying a car for me to drive to student teaching all next semester.

Tonight, Andrea and I are driving home to the QC for one night. Tomorrow morning, we fly out of the Moline Airport to San Francisco! Andrea's cousin is getting married, and since she came to our wedding, it is only fair that we go to hers. It'll be nice to get away from dreary DeKalb today, since this is what it looks like right now. To bad we're only out there for two days.

Well, I went over and hung out with Mark, Bill and Chad last night after I got off work. We played some X-Box and then watched some 24 goodness. Good times were had. Billy is leaving on Saturday, and since I won't be around after today, I said "take it easy" to him last night. It still blows that he is leaving :( but I'm willing to bet he isn't to enthused about it either. Anyway, enough talking about that, to much of that talk bums me out...haha.

I printed out the Fable strategy guide from Gamespot last night. This game is alot of fun, as I've said before and I wanted to figure out a few things such as how the heck do you get into any of those Demon doors. I've only managed to get into one of them so far, and I have passed a TON of them. One of these doors, told me that in order for me to be able to enter, I had to perform a truly evil act in front of the door. Sooo, the guy who I was currently helping, and happened to be standing right next to me, was a good person to use to show this demon door that I am the one evil mutha! I cut this guys head off right in front of this door. I then talked to him again, and apparantly, that was not EVIL enough for his liking. I am creating a new plan to be even more evil next time in hopes that this Demon of "only evil people can enter the door" will let me in.

Other than that, I manged to fix the Doom3 trouble I was having. Apparantly, Athlon XP chips do NOT like cheap ram. I had some K-Byte ram in there and well, it was cheap, and it is cheap apparantly, because my processor did not like that ram. I threw in my old PC2100 ram, and poof, Doom3 ran GREAT! Hopefully Rome Total War will also allow me to play it without the every 10 minute crash to desktop I have been experiencing. Now if I can only get Outlook working right. . .

Well, that is about all I have to say for right now. I'll get back to the ol' workin thing I got goin on around here. Talk to ya on Monday.


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