Tuesday, October 12, 2004

New, Easier Blogging

Well, as most of you know, I tried creating my blog on my main page for just to see if it worked. Now, it worked just fine, but I couldn't get comments, I couldn't update very easily, and well...it just was not that user friendly. Having to sift through code to update my site every few days was such a hassle, it almost made me not want to update it that often. Well, I was just over at my friend Mark's BLOG and realized that his site blog is sooooo simple to update. Well, I decided to give up for a while and just use one of these crazy template things. Once I figure out how to allow for comments, and all kinds of other fun things that have absolutely no purpose whatsoever, I will go back to my main page. Until then, this is the new blog page. http://www.hakesdesign.com/blog.html




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