Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Half-Life 2 Mayhem!

NO....I don't have the game...yet. Sometime, when the fundage appears miraculously, I'll pick up that game. Yes, I want it very badly, and have been reading all the reviews quite obsessively. We'll see if this game lives up to all the expectations that have been made about it. According to Gamespot, it already has, but I'll let everyone else make their own decision about this game.

I did not want to go to my class today, but, that is a sort of normal feeling everytime I get up in the morning. This weekend, will be all about the lesson plan writing, and also all about the Project making for my ETR class. WHEEE, can't wait!

I've been playing Halo 2 almost every night for a few rounds. I am still loving this game, and recommend it to anyone who has an XBox and a LIVE connection. Hey, even if ya don't, snag it, it comes with a free 2 month LIVE card in it.

I talked to Mykey today a bit and told him I'd do a little write up on my opinion of NFS2. I just got a copy of it last night, and have yet to load it up. I'll be checking out the PC version, so it'll look a whole lot better than any of the console versions. But, I'd imagine that if you liked the first one, you'll enjoy the graphics of the second one.

Watched that $25 million hoax last night again. Funny show, but the Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance was funnier. This show seems like, there isn't enough time for the family to get really angry with the person playing the hoax on them. It will only be like 3 or 4 episodes long. Lame! Ah well, Amazing Race starts tonight. Another reality TV show, I know, but this one is pretty good, usually.

Not sure what is for dinner tonight, but I'm sure something can be conjured up for us to eat.

Another game that came out today is Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines. I would have to say that I am even more excited about this use of the Half-Life 2 engine than I am about the actual Half-Life 2 release. I mean, yeah yeah,....Half-Life 2, game of the year, best game ever, MUST PLAY THIS GAME....blah blah blah. It'll be good, don't get me wrong, but, I was so hooked on Vampire: Masquerade, as was Matt, that when I first heard that a new game was coming out using the Vampire: Masquerade license, I was stoked! YEAH FOR VAMPIRES! (these types of games should not be played by children....that means you Bill...and Mark).

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I can not WAIT for a nice big heaping plate of Turkey and all the fixin's. I know, I know, the poor turkey. Well, don't worry, as I eat him, I'll think of all the other nice turkeys that are completely oblivious to the fact that they are being grown for us to eat. :) I'm so sensitive!

Anyway, I gotta jet, I'll talk to everyone later.

-dan out-


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