Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Nov 9th was a pretty good day I'd say.

Well, I woke up this morning, got ready, and got to work by 7:50. I then opened up the lab, and did a little homework during work. Next, I went to class, only to discover that I had a SUB.....yes that's right, a SUB in class today. I don't think I have EVER had a substitute instructor in college as long as I have been here. Very odd! So, our "sub" gives us this quiz we were supposed to have today, and then let us all go early. Apparantly our instructor got her finger smashed in her garage door or something...i dunno. So, I look at the clock when I got out of class, and it said, 11:20am. I'm thinking, hmmm, do I have enough time to run home, grab my car and get to GameStop allowing myself enough time to get back to be on the bus by 12:30pm? I walked out of my building and saw my bus driving by. Well, that idea was then shot, and I decided to screw it and just go eat my lunch and go to GameStop after work. Well, my desire to see my very own copy of THIS in my little hands go the better of me. So I hop on the bus at 11:40, get to my apartment at 11:46, and run out to GameStop. I snag my copy, with amazing ease, because there was only a few people in line ahead of me, and hop back in my car to leave. I then ran to Best Buy to snag a Crossover cable, so I could hook my XBox up to the net for some much needed LIVE action. I then drove back home. I was racing against the clock at this point because my clock said 12:20pm and the bus comes at 12:26pm. I get back to my apartment at like 12:25pm, only to see the bus pulling away. I'm like....doh! So I knew that I'd have to cut it close now and catch the 12:46PM bus. I messed around with how to get the XBox hooked up from my computer to the XBox and to the TV for a bit, and figured that by stretching a cable from the computer room to the bedroom and getting a longer COAX cable, I should just be able to make it...thanks to the wireless controller! Anyway, it should work. Then, I grab my bag and run out to the bus stop just in time to see the bus coming up. I hop on and wait for my stop. I then jumped off the bus, and briskly walked about half mile to my work in about 10 minutes. I strolled into work around 12:58pm and punched in. SAFE!

Other than that, my day has been pretty uneventful. Mark and I are hoping to play a little Halo 2 on Thursday night with Chaddy if he's around. So THAT should be fun. Andrea's friend Kate and her husband Andy, who is a pretty cool guy, are coming up on Saturday in theory, and he and I will probably play some Halo 2 a little bit that day. I'm kinda looking forward to getting done with this whole school thing. I have like a little over a month left to finish up all this stuff, and HALO 2 will sadly be pushed aside, except for a few random times when I pull it out to play a little bit. More important things are at stake here, then the destruction of every COVENANT member trying to destroy Earth!

Until next time,


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