Tuesday, November 23, 2004

New Video Games Worth It?

I talk about video games alot. I play video games quite frequently. It's safe to say that I enjoy picking up a controller, or sitting down at a mouse and keyboard, and playing a good game. Now, I tend to play alot of Multiplayer games, simply because I enjoy the idea of working with other people to complete a mission. However, there is nothing like a good single-player game to take your mind off any and everything that is worrying or stressing you out. However, usually what happens is that I spend time playing a game when I should be working on the very thing that is stressing or worrying me.

Chad and I had a discussion today about buying into new games or not. We decided, and more Chad decided then me, since I hadn't really thought about this until he mentioned it today, that there is really no need to switch from a game that you love to death, to a "NEW SHINY GAME" that boasts better framerates and better bump mapping and better gameplay. All to often, these games are nothing but a huge advertisement for their genre, not a new game at all. It is all well and good that new games are always coming out. There are kids growing up, and they are finding their "Galaga" or their "Civilization 2" that they will continue playing until they grow old. I dont' know if I HAVE reached the point where new games just do not entise me anymore, because Half-Life 2, Halo 2, and Vampires - Bloodlines just all came out. I want them all! Now, I think that the reason for this desire is simply because I played their predecessors and am really looking for more of the same type of gameplay and sheer fun. However, does 10 hours of fun justifiy the $50? Usually not. Now, for games like Halo 2 and Half-Life 2...there is a nice multiplayer aspect of it that should prolong the shelf life, or CD-Spindle life. I look over all the games I love and have loved over these, oh 15 years or so, and still am seeing games that I LOVED but got pushed aside because I was enticed by some new fancy, shiny game with a nice "IGN-9.4" rating stamped on the front.

One game that I loved to death was Tribes. This game created hours and hours of fun my Senior year of high-school and my Freshman year of College. When I was playing this game, nothing else really mattered except getting that flag, or destroying that enemy team. Then, of course, Tribes 2 came out. I enjoyed it, but not to the level that I enjoyed the first one. Something had changed. It seemed that they had tossed out the working gameplay aspects of it for new and improved graphics and gameplay types. However, I just did not have the same feeling about the sequel then I did the first. THEN of course, the III tribes installment came out. This game feels sooooo much like Unreal Tournament, it might as well be. Since I already had purchased UT2k4, I saw no reason to get Tribes:Vengeance. And another game series goes by the "I don't care" wayside. I think when that happened, I started to realize the need for stability in my gaming life. I have since gotten Halo 2. Now, I love Halo 2 to death so far, and for some reason this game seems to be an exception to the rule for me. Mark, I know, "SCREW HALO 2".....haha, but seriously, there is something about this game that really keeps me coming back for more. I think the fact that it is slower paced then most FPS games, helps me enjoy it more. I don't feel like I have to be the FASTEST at the game to be successful. Alot of times when playing UT2k4, I am overwhelmed at the sheer speed that these players play at. It's just bullets flying everywhere and then poof, time to respawn. There is little or no reaction time allowed in games like that. This is probably why Tribes 3 does not sit in my CD-Rom drive every night like the original did.

To sum all this up, newer video games are not needed when you have such a library of truly awesome video games to last you for years and years to come. Now, whether I can fight off the desire to buy the new bright and shiny game and be happy with the classics that I already have, only time will tell. Chad has his triumvirate of Rome Total War, Sims 2 and StarWars Battlefront.....what will mine be? What will yours be?


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