Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Wednesday night....again.

Wednesday again, and I'm pullin the ol' 8-10pm shift. This workin thing has its benefits, doin homework, messin around online, getting paid for it....but, it also has it's disadvantages....being stuck in a lab for up to 4 hours at a time, putting up with annoying questions about random computer things, getting "reviewed" by random people who try to assess whether or not you are doing your job properly and other things of this nature. still pays the bills....sorta.

Halo 2 was picked up yesterday, and popped in last night to be tested out. I hooked the box up to LIVE and let me tell you, Halo 2 online is pretty freakin' fun. Not only is the ability to wield dual weapons sweet, but being able to grab someone and throw them out of a hovering Banshee Spacecraft is just something that has to be experienced. Someone was trying to pull me out of one, and I started flying down over the edge of this cliff in hopes that I would hit bottom before he got me out. Needless to say, I never made it in time, and he flew off smiling in his new Banshee, and I fell to my happy death at the bottom of the canyon. This game seems to be rockingly action packed....if that is even a word, and really is worth the $$$ for the multiplayer aspect of it alone. Now, I am STILL not done with the original Halo, so I will not be playing Halo 2 campaign just yet. Although, Andy is coming up this Saturday, so maybe I'll load it up so we can play some coop, since the set up to play multiplayer is not exactly ideal for friends and what not.

Andrea and I had a nice ham, baked potato and caesar salad dinner tonight, which ruled and then sat down for a little Smallville. I always miss the end of it, so it hopefuly got taped. There are actually three shows that are on Wednesday nights that I have been keeping track of. The first is mentioned above, the next is Lost, and the last one is Jack and Bobby. All great shows and worth the time I suppose.

Well, my lesson that my friend Chuck and I taught in De Kalb High School on Monday went well enough. There was this one kid who had a serious issue with being told to do anything, but we didn't let him get to us. After that, we got the priviledge of watching everyone else teach their lessons....and let me tell you, THAT rules!, actually it's pretty boring. It is fair though I suppose, since everyone else had to watch our lesson plan. Ahhhh, necessary yet so hated at times!

If I forgot to mention it before, I'll do it now: Check out Billy's Blog o' Military Justice.

Other than THAT...take it easy ladies and gentlemen...I'll be back later for more boring updates coming STRAIGHT TO YOU from Dan's twisted mind!



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